Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Global Warming Should Be On Birth Control - 785 Words
Our main focus when discussing childbearing, especially in regards to climate change, should be on birth control. As Rieder said, â€Å"We know exactly how to make fewer babies, it is simply a matter of distributing those means to those who need them. This goes not only for developing countries but for Western countries as well. This issue, of course, bleeds into highly politicized waters. Any efforts to decrease worldwide fertility as a defense against global warming should not go through any one country, but rather be overseen by an international body such as the United Nations. According to Rieder in his NPR talk, methods such as â€Å"paying poor women to refill their birth control†have had proven success. While this is certainly the path we should start down, there is one step we need to take before this one: making birth control more widely available everywhere. As it stands, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) guarantees access to Birth Control to American women through private insurance companies, with a single exception: the precedent set by Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (Guttmacher) (Planned Parenthood). In 2014, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby in the case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby â€Å"that owners of some for-profit, private corporations can deny coverage of birth control to their staff because of their personal religious beliefs,†(Planned Parenthood). This has implications for employees of the companies who wish to exercise this new right in that they now either mustShow MoreRelatedThe Global Issue Of Population Growth960 Words  | 4 PagesBeyond a doubt we urgently need to address the devastating global issue of population growth in the United States America before we destroy our planet. We are facing many devastating economic problems, such as pollution, global warming, education, but the most critical is overconsumption. 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