Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Deutsch And Krauss Interpersonal Bargaining Experiment
The Deutsch and Krauss Interpersonal Bargaining experiment was performed by Morton Deutsch and Robert Krauss in 1960 and 1962 to study the theory of communication and cooperation and also trust and suspicion. Deutsch and Krauss were both professors in the psychology department of Columbia University. The experimenters came up with a hypothesis, designed their experiment to study the subject, and generated results. Deutsch and Krauss came up with two hypothesis. In their research paper they list them as follows: â€Å"1. Bargainers are more likely to reach an agreement, the stronger are their cooperative interests in comparison with their competitive interests. 2. Bargainers are more likely to reach an agreement, the more resources they†¦show more content†¦At the beginning of the trial, the subjects were told to only worry about their own gain. When the subjects ran into each other, a variety of different choices could be made from that point which is what Deutsch and Krauss were studying. Each pair of subjects were put into three different conditions that contained twenty trials. There was a no threat condition, a one way threat conditions, and a two way threat condition. In the end, Deutsch and Krauss concluded that in the no threat condition, subjects found it fairly easy to compromise, In the one way threat condition, the subjects found it difficult to come to a decision, and in the two way threat condition, it was extremely difficult for the subjects to come to an agreement. With this information, you can realize that if there is a big difference in what and the other person are trying to accommodate for, it will take longer for you and this person to come to an agreement. Agreements are much easier to reach in conditions where nobody is threatening each other, more difficult to reach when one person is using threats, and extremely difficult to arrive at when both people are using threats to achieve their goals. If you ever arrive at a moment where you want something and somebody else wants something, but you have to get through each other to reach it, the use of threats within your disagreement is very unlikely to help the situation in any way and usually makes it more difficult
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Global Warming Should Be On Birth Control - 785 Words
Our main focus when discussing childbearing, especially in regards to climate change, should be on birth control. As Rieder said, â€Å"We know exactly how to make fewer babies, it is simply a matter of distributing those means to those who need them. This goes not only for developing countries but for Western countries as well. This issue, of course, bleeds into highly politicized waters. Any efforts to decrease worldwide fertility as a defense against global warming should not go through any one country, but rather be overseen by an international body such as the United Nations. According to Rieder in his NPR talk, methods such as â€Å"paying poor women to refill their birth control†have had proven success. While this is certainly the path we should start down, there is one step we need to take before this one: making birth control more widely available everywhere. As it stands, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) guarantees access to Birth Control to American women through private insurance companies, with a single exception: the precedent set by Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (Guttmacher) (Planned Parenthood). In 2014, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby in the case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby â€Å"that owners of some for-profit, private corporations can deny coverage of birth control to their staff because of their personal religious beliefs,†(Planned Parenthood). This has implications for employees of the companies who wish to exercise this new right in that they now either mustShow MoreRelatedThe Global Issue Of Population Growth960 Words  | 4 PagesBeyond a doubt we urgently need to address the devastating global issue of population growth in the United States America before we destroy our planet. We are facing many devastating economic problems, such as pollution, global warming, education, but the most critical is overconsumption. 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Poor treatment in sewage plants, continuanceRead MoreCauses And Effects Of Overpopulation1073 Words  | 5 Pageseffects of overpopulation. To understand what the effects of overpopulation is we first need to find out the cause. Overpopulation is caused when the overall birth rate exceeds the overall death rate or in other words the number of children born each year outpace the number of adults that die that year. The first imbalance between the death and birth rate was created when we discovered agriculture. Following this came the industrial revolution. Technology advancements was perhaps the biggest reason whyRead MoreClimate Change Is Induced By Man s Carelessness And Lack Of Interest1592 Words  | 7 PagesThat might not look like a lot, but the average temperature during the last ice Age was about 4  ºF lower than it is today. The climate of the planet is constantly changing. This change is not something new; it is a very old concept, perhaps since the birth of the universe. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Employment Laws in Canada-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment
Questions: 1. What laws apply to the business relationship regarding employee resignation? 2. What factors should be taken into consideration when assessing an apparent resignation? 3. What do you feel the employee would be entitled to in terms of damages? State both the employees and the employers position on damages. 4. What do you feel would be the likely outcome of this case? 5. What is the takeaway for businesses in the scenario? Answers: 1.It is to be mentioned that employment laws in Canada do not come under federal legislation and are thus governed by the legislation of the province in consideration. The Employment Standards Act is the main statute that governs the relationship between employers and employees. It is to be stated that a resignation of an employee has to be unequivocal and clear in order for such resignation to be considered valid. A resignation of an employee must be associated with a clear intention as held in the case Danroth v. Farrow Holdings Ltd. (2005), 47 B.C.L.R. (4th) 56 (C.A.). 2.It is to be mentioned that a test of reasonability is to be applied to assess whether a reasonable person would have understood that the statements and actions of the plaintiff indicate valid resignation as held in the case (Assouline v. Ogivar Inc., [1991] B.C.J. No. 3419 (S.C.) (Q.L.). The following conduct may constitute valid resignation; If the plaintiff does not provide proof of medical evidence despite being on sick leave Plaintiffs failure of returning to work after emotional outburst The failure on the part of the plaintiff o meet the defendant and have a discussion about solving the dispute 3.It is to be mentioned that just like an employer who terminates the employment of an employee by giving a reasonable notice period and providing such employee with a reasonable ground of termination, it is the duty of employees to give a notice to the employers about their decision of resigning. Failing to give such notice prior to resigning makes the employer eligible to claim damages from the employee. It is to be said that resigning without giving a notice is itself a breach of terms of the employment contract however for an employer to claim damages from the employee; such employer must prove the damage sustained by him due to the same as held in the case Consbec Inc. v. Walker. 4.In the given scenario it is to be mentioned that Jonas had returned his batch and removed his belongings from the workstation. He did not turn up for work in the following week. It is to be stated that resignations must be evaluated from the perspective of a reasonable person. And for a resignation to be valid there must be clear statement and intention of the employee who is resigning as held in the aforementioned Danroth v. Farrow Holdings Ltd case. Thus in this scenario it can be stated that the Jonas had not stated that he wished to resign or indulged in any conduct that could amount to resignation. He had unfairly dismissed. 5.Thus after analyzing the facts of the chosen case study and applying the legal case study it an be stated that employers need to be analyze the resignation of employees from a reasonable perspective. They must ensure that the conduct of the employee who has given the resignation must comply with conduct which is considered to amount to resignation. Employees who resign must also ensure that they give a prior notice of resigning otherwise they might be required to pay damages to the employers, if the employer sustains any damages due to the same. Employee are entitled to normal pay and leaves during the course of the notice period. Reference List: Assouline v. Ogivar Inc., [1991] B.C.J. No. 3419 (S.C.) (Q.L.) Danroth v. Farrow Holdings Ltd. (2005), 47 B.C.L.R. (4th) 56 (C.A.). Employment Standards Act, 2000, S.O. 2000, c. 41 Consbec Inc. v. Walker, 2016 BCCA 11
Monday, December 2, 2019
Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X Grew Up In Different Environments
Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X grew up in different environments. King was raised in a comfortable middle-class family where education was stressed. On the other hand, Malcolm X came from and underprivileged home. He was a self-taught man who received little schooling and rose to greatness on his own intelligence and determination. Martin Luther King was born into a family whose name in Atlanta was well established. Despite segregation, Martin Luther King's parents ensured that their child was secure and happy. Malcolm X was born on May 19, 1925 and was raised in a completely different atmosphere than King, an atmosphere of fear and anger where the seeds of bitterness were planted. The burning of his house by the Klu Klux Klan resulted in the murder of his father. His mother later suffered a nervous breakdown and his family was split up. He was haunted by this early nightmare for most of his life. From then on, he was driven by hatred and a desire for revenge. The earl y backgrounds of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were largely responsible for the distinct different responses to American racism. Both men ultimately became towering icons of contemporary African-American culture and had a great influence on black Americans. However, King had a more positive attitude than Malcolm X, believing that through peaceful demonstrations and arguments, blacks will be able to someday achieve full equality with whites. Malcolm X's despair about life was reflected in his angry, pessimistic belief that equality is impossible because whites have no moral conscience. King basically adopted on an integrationalist philosophy, whereby he felt that blacks and whites should be united and live together in peace. Malcolm X, however, promoted nationalist and separatist doctrines. For most of his life, he believed that only through revolution and force could blacks attain their rightful place in society. Both X and King spread their message through powerful, hard-hit ting speeches. Nevertheless, their intentions were delivered in different styles and purposes. ?King was basically a peaceful leader who urged non-violence to his followers. He travelled about the country giving speeches that inspired black and white listeners to work together for racial harmony.? (pg. 135, Martin Luther King Jr. and the Freedom Movement) Malcolm X, for the most part, believed that non-violence and integration was a trick by the whites to keep blacks in their places. He was furious at white racism and encouraged his followers through his speeches to rise up and protest against their white enemies. After Malcolm X broke away from Elijah Mohammed, this change is reflected in his more moderate speeches. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King's childhoods had powerful influences on the men and their speeches. Malcolm X was brought up in an atmosphere of violence. During his childhood, Malcolm X suffered not only from abuse by whites, but also from domestic viol ence. His father beat his mother and both of them abused their children. His mother was forced to raise eight children during the depression. After his mother had a mental breakdown, the children were all placed in foster homes. Malcolm X's resentment was increased as he suffered through the ravages of integrated schooling. Although an intelligent student who shared the dream of being a lawyer with Martin Luther King, Malcolm X's anger and disillusionment caused him to drop out of school. He started to use cocaine and set up a burglary ring to support his expensive habit. Malcolm X's hostility and promotion of violence as a way of getting change was well established in his childhood. Martin Luther King lived in an entirely different environment. He was a smart student and skipped two grades before entering an ivy league college at only the age of 15. He was the class valedictorian with an A average. King paraded his graduation present in a new green Chevrolet before his fellow graduates. He was raised in the perfect environment where dreams and love were generated. King and X's childhoods are ?a study in polarity.? (pg. 254, Reflecting Black) Whereas, Malcolm X was raised in nightmarish conditions. King's home was almost dream-like. He was raised in a comfortable middle-class home where strong values natured his sense of self-worth. Sure, many
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Facts About Pygmy Seahorses
Facts About Pygmy Seahorses The common pygmy seahorse or Bargibants seahorse is one of the tiniest known vertebrates. This seahorse was named after the scuba diver who discovered the species in 1969 while collecting specimens for the Noumea Aquarium in New Caledonia. This tiny, expert camouflage artist thrives among gorgonian corals in the genus Muricella, which they hang on to using their long prehensile tail. Gorgonian corals are more commonly known as a sea fan or sea whip. Description Bargibants seahorses have a maximum length of 2.4 cm, which is less than 1 inch. They have a short snout and fleshy body, with many tubercles that help them blend into the knobby setting of the coral. On their head, they have a spine above each eye and on each cheek. There are two known color morphs of the species: pale grey or purple with pink or red tubercles, which are found on gorgonian coral Muricella plectana, and yellow with orange tubercles, which are found on gorgonian coral Muricella paraplectana. The color and shape of this seahorse nearly perfectly matches the corals on which it lives. Check out a video of these tiny seahorses to experience their incredible ability to blend in with their surroundings. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ActinopterygiiOrder: GasterosteiformesFamily: SyngnathidaeGenus: HippocampusSpecies: bargibanti This pygmy seahorse is one of 9 known species of pygmy seahorse. Due to their amazing camouflage ability and tiny size, many pygmy seahorse species have only been discovered over the past 10 years, and more may be discovered. In addition, many species have different color morphs, making identification even more difficult. Feeding Not much is known about this species, but they are thought to feed on tiny crustaceans, zooplankton and possibly the tissue of the corals on which they live. Like larger seahorses, food moves through their digestive system quickly so they need to eat nearly constantly. Food also needs to be located close by, as seahorses cant swim very far. Reproduction It is thought that these seahorses may be monogamous. During courting, males change color and get a females attention by shaking his head and flapping its dorsal fin. Pygmy seahorses are ovoviviparous, but unlike most animals, the male carries the eggs, which are contained in an on his underside. When mating occurs, the female transfers her eggs into the males pouch, where he fertilizes the eggs. About 10-20 eggs are carried at one time. The gestation period is about 2 weeks. The young hatch looking like even tinier, mini seahorses. Habitat and Distribution Pygmy seahorses live on gorgonian corals off Australia, New Caledonia, Indonesia, Japan, Papua New Guinea, and the Philippines, in water depths of about 52-131 feet. Conservation Pygmy seahorses are listed as data deficient on the IUCN Red List due to lack of published data on population sizes or trends for the species. Sources Feng, A. 2009. Pygmy Seahorses. Accessed January 30, 2016.Lourie, S.A., A.C.J. Vincent and H.J. Hall, 1999. Seahorses: an identification guide to the worlds species and their conservation. Project Seahorse, London. 214 p. In Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. 2015.FishBase(10/2015) . Accessed January 30, 2016.McGrouther, M. Pygmy Seahorse, . Australian Museum. Accessed January 30, 2016.bargibantiHippocampus Whitley, 1970Project Seahorse. 2003. Hippocampus bargibanti. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2003: e.T10060A3158205. Accessed January 30, 2016.Stockton, N. 2014. Baby Pygmy Seahorses Are Even Cuter Than You Think. Wired. Accessed January 30, 2016.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Three Domain System
Three Domain System The Three Domain System, developed by Carl Woese, is a system for classifying biological organisms. Over the years, scientists have developed several systems for the classification of organisms. From the late 1960s, organisms had been classified according to a Five Kingdom system. This classification system model was based on principles developed by Swedish scientist Carolus Linnaeus, whose hierarchical system groups organisms based on common physical characteristics. The Three Domain System As scientists learn more about organisms, classification systems change. Genetic sequencing has given researchers a whole new way of analyzing relationships between organisms. The current system, the Three Domain System, groups organisms primarily based on differences in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) structure. Ribosomal RNA is a molecular building block for ribosomes. Under this system, organisms are classified into three domains and six kingdoms. The domains are Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. The kingdoms are Archaebacteria (ancient bacteria), Eubacteria (true bacteria), Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Archaea Domain This domain contains single-celled organisms known as archaea. Archaea have genes that are similar to both bacteria and eukaryotes. Because they are very similar to bacteria in appearance, they were originally mistaken for bacteria. Like bacteria, Archaea are prokaryotic organisms and do not have a membrane-bound nucleus. They also lack internal cell organelles and many are about the same size as and similar in shape to bacteria. Archaea reproduce by binary fission, have one circular chromosome, and use flagella to move around in their environment as do bacteria. Archaea differ from bacteria in cell wall composition and differ from both bacteria and eukaryotes in membrane composition and rRNA type. These differences are substantial enough to warrant that archaea have a separate domain. Archaea are extreme organisms that live under some of the most extreme environmental conditions. This includes within hydrothermal vents, acidic springs, and under Arctic ice. Archaea are divided into three main phyla: Crenarchaeota, Euryarchaeota, and Korarchaeota. Crenarchaeota include many organisms that are hyperthermophiles and thermoacidophiles. These archaea thrive in environments with great temperature extremes (hyperthermophiles) and in extremely hot and acidic environments (thermoacidophiles).Archaea known as methanogens are of the Euryarchaeota phylum. They produce methane as a byproduct of metabolism and require an oxygen-free environment.Little is known about Korarchaeota archaea as few species have been found living in places such as hot springs, hydrothermal vents, and obsidian pools. Bacteria Domain Bacteria are classified under the Bacteria Domain. These organisms are generally feared because some are pathogenic and capable of causing disease. However, bacteria are essential to life as some are part of the human microbiota. These bacteria preform vital functions, such as enabling us to properly digest and absorb nutrients from the foods we eat. Bacteria that live on the skin prevent pathogenic microbes from colonizing the area and also aid in the activation of the immune system. Bacteria are also important for the recycling of nutrients in the global ecosystem as they are primary decomposers. Bacteria have a unique cell wall composition and rRNA type. They are grouped into five main categories: Proteobacteria: This phylum contains the largest group of bacteria and includes E.coli, Salmonella, Heliobacter pylori, and Vibrio. bacteria.Cyanobacteria: These bacteria are capable of photosynthesis. They are also known as blues include Borrelia burgdorferi (cause Lyme disease) and Treponema pallidum (cause syphilis). Eukarya Domain The Eukarya domain includes eukaryotes or organisms that have a membranes include algae, amoeba, fungi, molds, yeast, ferns, mosses, flowering plants, sponges, insects, and mammals. Comparison of Classification Systems Five Kingdom System: MoneraProtistaFungiPlantaeAnimalia Archaea Domain Bacteria Domain Eukarya Domain Archaebacteria Kingdom Eubacteria Kingdom Protista Kingdom Fungi Kingdom Plantae Kingdom Animalia Kingdom Three Domain System As we have seen, systems for classifying organisms change with new discoveries made over time. The earliest systems recognized only two kingdoms (plant and animal). The current Three Domain System is the best organizational system we have now, but as new information is gained, a different system for classifying organisms may later be developed.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Developmebts in cyber techniques have tended to contribute to greater Essay
Developmebts in cyber techniques have tended to contribute to greater international tension and foreign policy conflict. Discuss - Essay Example curity programs have been developed by various states all over the world in order to protect sensitive data and other types of information from assaults that are made through the internet. Cyber security measures tend to involve various steps, the most important of these steps being a state’s understanding of the different forms of cyber attacks that it is likely to encounter. Once it has knowledge of this, then it is its responsibility to ensure that it has put in place the best security systems that it can get its hands on. There exist a diverse number of threats most of which exist at various levels and hazards to the information of companies and governments in their computers and other networks. It is because of this that the more superior the likelihood of there being a threat to cyber security, the more advanced the system designed to protect assets will be. The development of more advanced cyber techniques has over the years led to the development of higher internationa l tensions, especially between rival states which view cyber attacks against each other as a means of gaining an advantage over one another on the international stage.1 This has created a situation where the number of cyber attacks by government sponsored hackers from different countries have steadily increased; raising speculations that there is the possibility future wars will likely be fought on the internet. The development of better cyber techniques has led to a situation where a number of countries attempt to hack into other countries’ computer systems for the sole purpose of stealing trade secrets. This has recently been a cause of significant tension between the United States and China with the former accusing the latter of being responsible for stealing the trade secrets of various American companies in order to using these secrets to gain economic leverage. The tension between these two countries was further increased as a result of the United States declaring and showing the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Automobile Industry and Information Technology Essay
Automobile Industry and Information Technology - Essay Example Technology has been a part of automobiles, in one form or another, for quite some time now. In the 1960s and 1970s the typical 'backyard mechanic' could invariably be found tinkering on his pride and joy - his car. Whether it has brand new, or a collector's item, the fact was that just about anyone with any mechanical aptitude at all and a set of wrenches could do any number of standard repair jobs on a vehicle back then. But, times have certainly changed - and it happened before we even knew it. Where once, you could open a car hood and identify just about everything under there, today, you might just as well be looking at components of the space shuttle. It started small enough - a computer brain to control some of the car's basic functions. However, to even attempt to perform any repairs on a modern vehicle, practically requires a degree from MIT. Of course, technology has surpassed merely the practical applications to improve performance. The sagging automobile industry has also been turning to the field of information technology to find ways to improve sales. ... With so much competition, foreign and domestic, the consumer has more choices today than ever before - and they know it. A customer will not simply purchase the first thing they see, but will compare and contrast makes and models - as well as features and accessories. Not only do consumers want options on their vehicle, they are also demanding options in ways to make the purchase. Enter information technology. 1.1.2 Entering the auto industry's second century, there are clearly powerful signs of change that could foretell the next dominant production standard. At the core of many of these changes is the Internet, which is already transforming how information is used and how coordination is managed in this most complex of industries. According to Holweg and Pil, in a book published by MIT Press in 2004, E-business offers tremendous potential for reducing waste and inefficiency, redistributing activities along the value chain, and providing new means for collaboration. These benefits will become evident in product development, procurement, manufacturing, and distribution separately, but the greatest impact will result from end-to-end integration of the value chain, from the final customer back to initial product planning. Consumer desires for customization will challenge the industry's long-established push approach to distribution and sales. As expectations are raised by information technol ogy experiences in other parts of their lives, e-powered consumers will be drawn towards build-to-order models where they play a co-design role and production is pulled by real-time information about their preferences (MIT Press 2004). 1.1.3 For both the manufacturer and the dealer, this opportunity is substantial. By better
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Indian Ocean Essay Example for Free
The Indian Ocean Essay In 2004, the world most witnessed one of the most devastating natural disasters that had occurred in the last 100 years. On December 26th of that year, an earthquake in the Indian Ocean spawned an enormous tsunami that claimed the lives of thousands in the surrounding lands. In the months following the tsunami, many wondered what steps could be taken to minimize human loss in the event of such an unavoidable natural event. As a result, scientists began to seek an improved early alert system to detect tsunamis. Almost two years after the Indian Ocean earthquake, NASA’s Earth Observatory announced the development of a new seafloor pressure recording system that is designed to detect tsunamis shortly after their development. The new system is expected to extend alert times in addition to avoiding false alarms. The project is being supervised by the German National Research Centre for Geosciences, located in Potsdam, Germany. Scientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research are directing the project. Additionally, Optimare and develogic are companies that are working on the acoustic-based portion of the system known as PACT. See more topics Road safety. The Zentrum fur Marine Umweltswissenschaft and the University of Rhode Island are also working on PACT. Though generally thought to be a single giant ocean wave, tsunamis are actually made of multiple waves. In many instances, the affected shoreline can be repeatedly hit by several large waves. Tsunamis are caused by a sudden motion in the ocean floor which can be the result of an earthquake, volcanic eruption, an underwater landslide, or the impact of a large meteorite. Most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes that originate in subduction zones, or areas where an oceanic plate is being forced into the earth’s mantle. Where there is a great amount of friction between two plates, the overriding plate can become distorted and as a result a large amount of energy is stored, often over decades of centuries. After the stored seismic energy exceeds the frictional forces between the two plates, the distorted plate suddenly returns to its original position and an earthquake results. The overlying water is displaced, generating large waves that spread outward from the epicenter. The newly developed system measures vibration and horizontal seafloor movements in order to locate seaquakes, which could possibly generate tsunamis. The measurements that are taken from the seafloor are obtained and analyzed with a matter of just a few minutes. Data is collected and analyzed every 15 seconds. Water levels are also measured off the coast using bottom pressure sensors to detect any rises in sea level before the large waves reach the shallower waters along the coast. So far the system has proven to be compact, reliable, and energy efficient. At this point, an acoustic modem sends information to a second modem, which sends a satellite message, or telegram, to the warning center, delivering notification of a tsunami. After two years of development, none of the telegrams were lost, which believed to be an early indication of the system’s crucial reliability. The new system will be implemented into the pre-existing global system which is used to detect tsunami events. Further testing will be conducted in the Mediterranean. The developers will also examine the reliability of the system’s ability to transmit under different weather conditions. The development of this improved system shows great progress in the effort to provide effective warnings for tsunamis, thereby reducing the number of casualties. The potential for the success of this system has been indicated in a series of successful tests and the fact that no telegrams have been lost to date. Much still remains to be seen, however, in determining the limits of the system and discovering factors like weather conditions may contribute to reduced efficiency of the system. The article does not mention the important aspect of how those who are in the path of a tsunami will be notified that they may evacuate in time to avoid the disaster. This is of particular importance in the case of remote villages and areas where technological infrastructure may not be developed to the level of more industrialized regions. No matter how quickly the data is collected and transmitted to the warning center, it is imperative that the information regarding the approaching tsunami be delivered to those who may be affected in a timely manner. Delivering information to remote regions may be a challenge that the developers will need to address as they attempt to meet the need for early warning in the areas that lie along the Indian Ocean. Though there are still potential concerns that need to be evaluated, it is promising that an advanced system has been put in place over a relatively short period of time. Furthermore, there is now an alert system in a region where previously no such mechanism existed. This may provide greater protection and preparedness to a region that has already seen the devastation that a tsunami can do. If the system continues to be successful and is implemented into the global system, it will eventually save many lives and it may also allow scientists to learn more about the seismic activity that occurs under the ocean floor. In conclusion, NASA’s article provides an informative report on an important milestone in the development of a system that will not only help people across the earth prepare for natural disasters, but that also may lead to groundbreaking discoveries that could allow scientists to additional important discovers that can help us to better understand our planet Works Cited Earth Observatory. Tsunami-recording in the Deep Sea. 25 November 2007. NASA. 17 November 2007. http://earthobservatory. nasa. gov/ Newsroom/ MediaAlerts/ 2007/2007111925951. html.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Investigation of the reaction between hydrochloric acid and marble chips :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation
Investigation of the reaction between hydrochloric acid and marble chips A chemical reaction is when two or more substance called reactants are chemically bonded to form a new product, as a result of the process, for a reaction to take place, the particles must have enough kinetic energy to collide and form new bonds , this is called a successful collision. The minimum amount of energy needed for a successful collision is activation energy, which is â€Å"The energy that an atomic system must acquire before a process can occur†. Chemical reaction is different to a physical reaction, chemical reaction are not reversible and results in a new product, however a physical reaction can be easily reversed as it only changed its state. The activation energy is able to loosen particles and enable them to from new bonds to produce new products. The faster the molecules are moving the bigger the chance of a successful collision, so the faster and stronger the reaction will be , the more kinetic energy a reactant has the easier it is for the new bonds the collide and produce new bonds. Variables that you could change Concentration of hydrochloric acid Surface area of chips Mass of marble chips Pressure Temperature Volume of hydrochloric acid Time allowed to measure oxygen given of Volume of gas collected Varying the concentration Higher concentration will make the reaction stronger, there will be more particles in the same volume so there are a lot more collisions, making the reaction faster and increasing the chance of a successful collision, lower concentration makes a weaker reaction, there will be fewer particles so less chance of a collision. Varying the pressure A higher amount of pressure will bring particles closer together making the reaction faster as there will be more collision with the energy, a lower amount of pressure will make the particles more spread put , making the reaction slower and reducing the amount of collision and energy. Varying the surface area A larger surface area will result in the number of particles to increase so there will be a higher chance of a collision increasing the rate of reaction , so the reactant broke into smaller pieces would react faster oppose to larger pieces. Varying the temperature An increased temperature will increase the speed of the particle so they collide more frequent as they have more energy. Therefore the reaction will speed up, a decreased temperature will have less energy it will move slower, collide less often slowing the reaction down. Varying the catalyst If I increase the catalyst , the particles will move a lot faster as the catalyst speeds up the rate of reaction, because they are moving
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Poems From Other Cultures- John Agard and Sujata Bhatt Essay
Search for My Tongue by Sujata Bhatt and Half-Caste by John Agard, are poems that both explain the struggles of living with mixed heritages and being split between the two. They both express there opinion in different ways, Bhatt using symbolism and Agard using confrontational speech and metaphors. Agard’s poem portrays the racist connotations associated with the word Half-caste and he effectively puts across his true feelings on the subject. Agard was born in Guyana and like most Caribbean people Agard is bi-racial, being born of a white Portuguese mother and a black Caribbean father. Consequently, Agard is going to be dealing with several issues as he has to live between two languages, three cultures, and living in a country that comfortably uses words such as ‘half-caste’ without thinking about the negative undertones that can dampen his spirit and pride in being of duel-heritage. Similarly, Bhatt writes about her struggle of living between two cultures, but unlike Agard she is of one race, Indian. Bhatt and her family moved to the West when Bhatt was still young and there she learned English in addition to her first language, Guajarati. Bhatt’s poem explains the difficulty of having two languages, the fear of looses a native language when living abroad, and ultimately suggests that language is the centre of an identity. She does, however, comes to the conclusion that even though you may not speak your mother tongue on a regular, day-to-day basis it will always be with you and that you cannot loose who you are. Agard presents his words in a unique and abrupt method. He puts his poem into five stanzas that vary in length; this could be so it sounds like someone talking not a verse, showing that he wanted the fluidity of the poem to feel real, and not rehearsed. He also flaunts his poem by using short lines, â€Å"explain yuself†to maybe be abrupt and direct, giving his poem a confrontational feel but he also may do this as a symbolic gesture as he only has ‘half’ a line, half a self, half a human. By doing this he is challenging the term half-cast and highlighting its negative impact and connotations, he is also exploiting it and making the term seem ridiculous. Conversely, Bhatt presents her poem as one long stanza and has written it by using longer lines. It is written with fluidity, and ease, this is because she wanted the two languages, Guajarati and English, to mesh into one and almost become one language. By structuring the poem and putting the Guajarati in the middle of the poem this shows that it is the focal point of her life, and is in the middle of her mind and centres her thoughts. Having English on either side this could be to show that there is more English in her life but the language that holds it all together is her mother tongue, Guajarati. Both poems are multi-lingual with Agard mixing Patios and English. In his sentences he has casually overlapped colloquial English and patois; you could say that the poem is half English half patois showing that he is half of each, emphasising his original message of the poem. The language that Agard has used has made his poem read like a conversation. His use of colloquial English has added to this, but the way he opens his poem in very formal and polite, this could be to get the attention of the reader, or to mimic ‘posh people’. He also introduces the poem by saying â€Å"excuse me, standing on one leg, I’m half-caste†to say that the first thing people want to know is his race not him, his name, or his personality. Also the connotations with standing on one leg, saying that he is only worth to stand on one leg and that being half-caste mean he is half a man. Also by using metaphors such as â€Å"yu mean when light and shadow, mix in de sky, is half-caste weather?†he is accentuating the stupidity of the phrase half-caste and how observed the word truly is. His language also has hints of subtle humour. For example, â€Å"well in dat case, England weather, nearly always half-caste†. Here he is making fun of English weather saying that it isn’t good as it is always half light and half dark and he is saying that people are constantly surrounded by ‘half-caste’ images but never pick up on them so why should him and him only be subjected to this, what can be perceived as racist, phrase. As well as the above Agard emphasises the argument by constantly repeating words such as â€Å"explain yuself, what yu mean†. This fully drills the argument with full impact constantly asking the reader to change their attitude towards the term ‘half-caste’. Bhatt has a very blatant language variation in her poem as she has written in Guajarati and English two extremely different languages. This use of Guajarati shows that her life is mixture of both and that her Guajarati will near be lost and will always be in her thoughts and life. Also in this poem Bhatt uses the word ‘I’ allot, â€Å"you ask me what I mean by saying I have lost my tongue,†by doing this Bhatt is constantly referring to herself making it much more likely for other multi ethnic people to relate to the poem. What’s more Bhatt uses some very powerful lines for instance, â€Å"if you had two tongues in your mouth, and you lost the first one, the mother tongue, and could not really know the other, the foreign tongue†. In these lines Bhatt talks about their tongues being in conflict, never really fully mixing or complementing each other, but she also talks about how without each other they wouldn’t work. Furthermore Bhatt writes about how you will never lose the mother tongue, â€Å"†¦but overnight when I dream, it grows back†¦the bud opens†¦it blossoms out of my mouth†, this says and shows that the reinforcement of the mother tongue is unstoppable and by using the metaphor of a flower, it makes it beautiful. Agard has filled his poem up to the brim with many different metaphors and images. All of the images he uses like, â€Å"yu mean Tchaikovsky, sit down at dah piano, and mix a black key, wid a white key, is a half-caste symphony?†, emphasise the ridiculousness of the term, and it also highlights that if you use the term half caste for people then you need to use it for everything even things that are highly respected in society. In addition to these images Agard writes some very obscure and irregular images in the third stanza of the poem. Agard goes on to say, â€Å"an when I’m introduces to yu, I’m sure you’ll understand why I offer yu half-a-hand, and when I sleep at night I close half-a-eye†. These are very powerful images that Agard is writing and they are one final punch in the poem to try and truly highlight the complete stupidity of the term half-caste and also by making many references of half-a-human this can show that the term of half-caste can hurt and be offensive as well as not necessary. Finally in the last six lines of the poem Agard says that it is us who isn’t whole and we need to listen to his story with â€Å"de whole of yu mind†to truly understand the ‘other half’ of his story. These lines flip the racist connotations of the term saying that those who use it are the true ‘not whole’ people. Bhatt has one major image that carries the whole poem through the words and making the poem flow. She referees to languages as plants. For example, â€Å"it grows back, a stump of a shoot grows longer, grows moist, grows strong veins†¦it blossoms†. Bhatt does this to show clearly what she means by ‘loosing he tongue’ because plants die when in the wrong environment and they need nutrients of their home soil to live, so she is saying that so your mother tongue doesn’t die you need to feed it with culture of your home. Also Bhatt may use the idea of plants as this accentuates the fact that when you become comfortable with the fact that you have ‘two tongues’ you can grow, blossom and enrich yourself with confidence. She also uses lines that create strong images like, â€Å"your tongue would rot, rot and die in your mouth until you had to spit it out.†By saying that you must spit it out shows how disgusted she is by the fact that she thinks that she has lost her mother tongue. Throughout Agard’s poem there is a mixture of many tones. There is a slight angry tone; he is slightly warning those that use the word half-caste. He constantly says â€Å"explain yuself†and by doing so he is almost threatening the reader, he is challenging the reader to try and explain why this term should be acceptable. There is also a very slight apologetic tone to the poem, in the first stanza especially, as the poem begins with the line, â€Å"excuse me†, almost like he is apologising for being mixed race, again emphasising the utter silliness of the term half-caste. The entire poem has the tone of over exertion of all emotions; again i feel that this is just to highlight the ridiculous phrase that is half-caste. Unlike Agard’s poem half-caste, Bhatt has a much more peaceful and calm tone to her writing. Her poem flows of the tongue and is read very gently. This could almost be to emphasise the idea that sleep, a calm concept, unlocking the mother tongue, or is to make sure that the idea of anger isn’t brought across but it is more the idea of confusion and the idea of being lost without the mother tongue. I think that Agard is almost vulgarly blatant with his message that the term half-caste shouldn’t be used and demines people that are mixed race. He argues the idea that when two opposite are mixed it creates something better, new and exciting. For example he writes â€Å"yu mean when Picasso mix red an green is a half-caste canvas?†he is almost using reverse psychology as Picasso by mixing red and green created an amazing canvas. He is using this poem to make it clear to people how offending this term can be and that it can truly rip a man’s pride in half. Bhatt however, is conveying almost an opposite message. She is saying that no matter what you do, say, or for that matter what other people say, you can never lose who you are or where you came from or put in other words you can never lose your past. All in all I feel that the poems both convey the message that they set out to and did it with real passion but with two completely different massaged and two completely different styles, it really shows two completely different attitudes to dealing with a multi racial life.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Na’im Akbar is acclaimed as one of the leading writers today
He has produced some of the best works of his time. His readers have long appreciated him for his classical interpretation of human morality and several critical thematic concerns of race and society but yet in a most humorous, easy and light hearted representation.Some of his most praised and entertaining works involve the analytical issue of the disgrace of racism and the hideousness of being a slave. Akbar's book, Breaking the chains of psychological slavery, tells his desire to revolutionize social, political traditions.Akbar persuades the reader through a prejudiced vision of his existence, inducing in the reader compassion distress and negative depiction of the white. The writer in his storyline takes the reader on a ride to the past, into a darker and crueler world of his time that disliked, loathed and exploited the men and women with darker skins. He talks about the curse of slavery and its impact on the society, a society that was built around the disgraces of racism and th at only recognized the master and the slave, not the life within.The depiction of the brutalities and the inhumanity of the custom of slavery, in the very first chapter, â€Å"The Psychological Legacy of Slavery†, is remarkable in its own way, criticized as a work more important and brilliant in content compared to the several other works by slave writers.This is mainly because he incorporates several dimensions of the cult of slavery in his narrative, specially throwing light upon the impacts of slavery on the slaves and more importantly on the lifeless bodies who owned them.â€Å"The implication of this is that the mind’s possibilities are limited by its concept of its potential.††(Akbar 1996) .The slaves were not allowed to own any property. Hence they were grieved and heart broken with their abandonment.Their birth was rather a calamity and they cursed themselves for having been born as slaves. They felt that the master’s house was one of the most hostile places. I agree with the author here as I feel that it was from them that they too learned to be vile and vindictive. Thus the slaves transformed themselves into jealous people with conflagration. However, their innocence and ignorance made them suffer from prejudice.The foremost procedure the author uses in the second chapter is sympathy. He writes about mental slavery and an unknown faith. â€Å"When young Black boys learn that there are no limits to our possibilities on the basketball courts, we create the athletic genius of Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson and in their genius, they recreate the game of basketball.When our young people know that there are no limits to their potential in the world of manufacturing, communication, physics, chemistry or the science of the human mind, then those same young Black minds who create dances on the dance floor or compose music on their bodies with the ‘hand jive’ will recreate these fields of human endeavor with t he same incomparability.†(Akbar 1996)I got an emotion of distress and wanted providential things to happen to the slaves. Unfairness is exposed all the way through the chapter. This new tactic, intoxicated with the velvety diplomacies of pity, care and tolerance, made things even worse for the slaves. In this chapter, Akbar also speaks of the disgraces of racism and the immoralities of slavery with a most light hearted and moderate appeal.This is a major part of the irony that clearly comes to light when observed carefully. â€Å"†You must first be a king of your own personal kingdom. If you can't lead that kingdom on your own two feet, you can't lead a bigger kingdom†(Akbar 1996) Very ironically and rightly, he criticizes the aspects of morality in terms of slavery, racism and other such critical social concerns. I read the author’s depiction of an unknown faith in a slave’s life, as an allegorical representation of the plight of blacks in the Unit ed States even in the post-slavery time.He tactfully  exposes the duplicity of freedom, enfranchisement and equality, demonstrating how racism distorted the oppressors as much as it did those who were oppressed, yet in a most humorous and easy flow. This brilliant use of irony again reveals itself when in a world of moral confusion, in which seemingly good and civilized  white people express no concern what so ever about the injustice and illegitimacies of cruelty towards a black.A marvelous creation of Akbar, the masterpiece best reveals his ironical blending of wit with reality. His personal and conversational style makes the reader involved in his tone and mood. He takes the reader into confidence through his easy and delightful pace.The analytical issue of the disgrace of racism and the hideousness of slavery is beautifully depicted. Akbar’s contention to transform the view of the society is substantiated when he desires to bring out his ideas about racial religious inquisition and emotional perplexity, in the third chapter of the book.I perceive that although Akbar wrote the book several years after the end of the emancipation proclamation and the civil war, America still struggled to emerge out cleanly out of the disgraces of racism and the aftermaths of slavery.When the book was written, although seemingly flowing in a positive direction, race relations were beginning to withstand new strains, trapped now in a cleverer and more civilized white society. These new forces were more social and personal than official. This new form of racism in the south was less institutionalized and monolithic but at the same time was more difficult to resolve or combat.The white society although outlawed slavery and racism, most certainly due to growing ethical, moral and international pressures, was beginning to learn to adopt a more hypocritical, self-defensive reason to hate the newly freed blacks, to keep them away. I feel the author employs a predisposed analysis to manipulate the mind and heart of the reader.The greater the power, the more dangerous is the abuse. The truth in the statement is well proved in the book. Akbar makes his political report in this twentieth-century book that could be relished as an exhilarating but heart grieving story about a black boy. He, very well comments upon the abuse of political power and how the poor and down trodden blacks fall prey to the diplomacy of the whites.The title is a symbol for the evil contained in human souls. The author reigns high in the field of characterization. His works transact chiefly with the divergence of the intellect and impulse. All of his key works present humans as inherently belligerent and corrupt. It can best be described as a document that predicts the behavior of human mind under the influence of circumstances around him.Hence I do feel that the author takes the reader to a journey back to those years, when the world was a difficult place to life for those whose skins were black. And in doing so, he maintains a supreme calmness in his pace that is garnished with humor and adventure.In today’s highly materialistic society, there is just no place for modesty. Hence the writer in his storyline takes the reader on a ride to the past, into a darker and crueler world of his time that disliked, loathed and exploited the men and women with darker skins. I am mesmerized by the reality that the author brings to light. This not only gestures at the authority, status and power of dictatorship but also accuses the present society where crafty people exploit the innocence of the docile and submissive ones.Bibliography:Akbar Na'im, Breaking the chains of psychological slavery , June 1996, Mind Productions & Associates ,isbn 0935257055
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Health Risks from Exposure to Phthalates
Health Risks from Exposure to Phthalates The non-profit Environmental Working Group launched the Not Too Pretty campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of phthalates, industrial chemicals that are used as solvents in many cosmetics. Most of the mainstream hair sprays, deodorants, nail polishes and perfumes that millions of people use every day contain these harmful chemicals. Phthalates are also employed as plastic softeners in many different consumer products, including children’s toys and medical devices. Why are phthalates dangerous? Shown to damage the liver, kidneys, lungs and reproductive systems in animal studies, phthalates can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled. Scientists at government agencies in both the U.S. and Canada agree that exposure to the chemicals could cause a wide range of health and reproductive problems in people. It has been very difficult, however, to determine the minimum level of exposure when these problems arise. For many of us, our exposure to phthalates may be low on any given day, but we absorb these small quantities of chemicals frequently, over decades. Manufacturers use phthalates because they cling to the skin and nails to give perfumes, hair gels and nail polishes more staying power. But a recent study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that five percent of women between age 20 and 40 had up to 45 times more phthalates in their bodies than researchers initially hypothesized. CDC found phthalates in virtually every person tested, but the largest concentrations 20 times higher than the rest of the population were found in women of child-bearing age. Another study, led by Dr. Shanna Swan of the University of Missouri, identified developmental abnormalities in male infants correlating to high phthalate levels in their mothers’ bodies. More studies associated phthalates breast cancer and with hormonal disruptions in young girls and women. Currently, potential links to obesity and metabolic issues are being investigated. Industry Group Denies Risk Meanwhile, the industry-backed American Chemistry Council asserts, â€Å"There is no reliable evidence that any phthalate has ever caused a health problem for a human from its intended use.†The group accuses organizations of â€Å"cherry-picking†results â€Å"showing impacts on test animals to create unwarranted concern about these products.†EWG spokesperson Lauren E. Sucher urges people- especially women who are pregnant, nursing or planning on becoming pregnant- to avoid phthalates. EWG maintains a free online database named Skin Deep, which list lotions, creams, and polishes that contain phthalates. It also provides information on many other chemical compounds found in products beyond just cosmetics, including sunscreens, baby products, and toothpaste. Banned in Europe, Not U.S. or Canada A 2003 European Union directive bans phthalates in cosmetics sold in Europe, but U.S. and Canadian regulators have not been so proactive, despite mounting evidence of potential harm. Health advocates were temporarily relieved when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that it would begin enforcing a 1975 law requiring labels on products with ingredients that havent been safety tested. But such labels remain to be seen, even though 99 percent of cosmetics contain one or more untested ingredients.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Carnaval Celebrations Worldwide
Carnaval Celebrations Worldwide The word Carnaval refers to the numerous festivities that occur in many Catholic cities every year prior to the Lenten season. These festivals often last several days or weeks and are widely popular celebrations of local history and culture. Residents and visitors prepare for Carnaval festivities throughout the year. Revelers both young and old can enjoy numerous organized activities or party in the city streets with their families, friends, community members, and strangers. Religious and Historical Significance of Carnaval Lent is the Catholic season that represents the forty days prior to Jesus death on Good Friday and his resurrection on Easter Sunday. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which usually falls in February. On certain days of Lent, Catholics are supposed to abstain from eating meat as a physical and spiritual reminder of Jesus sacrifices. The word Carnaval likely originates from the Latin term carne levare, or to remove meat. On the day before Ash Wednesday (Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday,) many Catholics ate all of the meat and fat in their home and held large parties in the streets as one last celebration before the penitential Lenten season. It is a time when all social classes could disguise themselves, congregate, and forget their usual tribulations. Carnaval originated in largely Catholic Southern Europe and spread to the Americas during the age of exploration and colonization. Carnaval Traditions All places that celebrate Carnaval generally have the same activities, but each Carnaval is infused with elements of local culture. During both day and night, revelers in the streets listen to music and dance, eat, and drink. Many cities hold balls and masquerades. The main tradition of Carnaval includes parades through the city streets. Many cities hold parades with floats, which are enormous, decorated vehicles that can carry dozens of riders, who often wear very elaborate, colorful costumes and masks. Parades usually have themes, which often parody current local political and social problems. What follows are some of the worlds most famous and popular Carnaval celebrations. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is home to the worlds most famous Carnaval and what many people consider to be the worlds biggest and best party. The basis of Rios Carnaval is the samba school, which is a social club named after the famous Brazilian samba dance. Samba schools are based in different neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro, and rivalry among them is fierce. Members work throughout the year to create the best themes, floats, costumes, and dance performances. Over the four day celebration, schools parade and compete against each other in the Sambadrome, a building that can hold 60,000 spectators. Millions of people also party throughout the city and on Rios famous beaches, Ipanema and Copacabana. New Orleans, Louisiana New Orleans, Louisiana is home to Mardi Gras, the most popular Carnaval in the United States. Dozens of social clubs, called krewes, parade through the streets of New Orleans over a six week period. The people on the floats or on horseback throw small presents to the spectators, such as beads, plastic cups, and stuffed animals. Revelers party in the citys French Quarter. Mardi Gras still occurs annually, even after Hurricane Katrina impacted the city in 2005. Trinidad and Tobago The two small islands of Trinidad and Tobago are known for having the best Carnaval in the Caribbean Sea. Trinidads Carnaval has been influenced by African cultures due to the slave trade hundreds of years ago. On the two days before Ash Wednesday, revelers dance in the streets to the sounds of calypso music and steelpan drums. Venice, Italy Since the 12th century, Venices Carnaval has been well known for intricately created masks and masquerade balls. Throughout history, Venices Carnival was banned numerous times, but since 1979 the event has occurred annually. Many events occur in the citys famous canals. Additional Carnavals in the United States Although New Orleans has the most visited Mardi Gras in the United States, some smaller celebrations include those in: Mobile, AlabamaBiloxi, MississippiPensacola, FloridaGalveston, TexasBaton Rouge, Lafayette, and Shreveport, Louisiana Additional Carnavals in Latin America Besides Rio de Janeiro and Trinidad, many more cities in largely Catholic Latin America celebrate Carnaval. These include: Salvador, Recife, and Olinda, BrazilOruro, BoliviaBuenos Aires, ArgentinaMazatlan, MexicoSome cities in Colombia, Uruguay, Panama, and the Dominican Republic Additional Carnavals in Europe Many more cities still celebrate Carnaval on the continent where it originated. These include: Viareggio, ItalyTenerife Island, part of Spains Canary IslandsCadiz, SpainBinche, BelgiumCologne, GermanyDusseldorf, Germany Carnaval Entertainment and Imagination The activities of the Carnaval season, developed over centuries from religious and cultural rituals, have become enormously popular in several cities around the world. Large crowds congregate in the streets to enjoy the extravagant parades, rhythm of the music, and colorful costumes. Its an exciting, creative spectacle that no visitor will ever forget.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Food as Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Food as Culture - Essay Example Whether on the basis of taste, price or nutrition, people are driven by the values they place on food as well as by individual social standing, or current events or social conditions (xi-xii). The food industry through the media makes use of these factors to popularize a certain food. Take for instance the cover images of popular food magazines Gourmet, Good Food, and Cooking Light. A 2009 starter edition of the now-defunct Gourmet, which was part of the year-end collection, sported an image of a less Italianized spaghetti and meatballs. The edition included other Italian-style recipes as a tribute to American Italians. Good Food’s issue this Christmas Season promotes â€Å"Festive Cooking†with a matching picture of a roasted chicken soaked in spices and garnished with what looked like potatoes around the sidelines. Cooking Light, was all for the sweet tooth this Holidays and showed an image of a glass vessel full of various sweets. Though the magazines considered the Holiday Season, summer vacations, and American Italians, they all promoted recipes that do not necessarily sustain life. Not only do they appear complicated to regular persons, these recipes take time to prepare, and are not practical to eat in day-to-day meals. Desserts, for example, have high sugar content and too much intake of sugar could raise blood sugar levels, a condition called hyperglycemia which could lead to kidney failure or other health problems. Judging from the headings, these magazines have not emphasized on nutrition but on how quickly the recipes are prepared and how they appear to the consumers. Gourmet focused speed and being economical as evidence by one of its article entitled â€Å"Ten-Minute Mains,†which listed down all fast-cooking affordable foods like hamburgers (Knauer 52). Good Food was more on the aesthetic aspect of the food, which has to be as â€Å"festive†as Christmas like the thoroughly garnished roasted chicken. The heading â€Å"So Easy, So Elegant: Secret Shortcuts for Spectacular Desserts†suggests that Cooking Light compromised fast preparation and food appearance.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Case Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Case Evaluation - Essay Example Henceforth, Siemens Company and its challengers may at times have the temptation of using any possible means in persuading decision makers in signing contracts with their companies. Due to this persuasion, the company gets tempted to offer financial incentives that are not legal in closing the signed contracts (Stanwick, 2014). The illegal method used by Siemens Company to obtain orders from their customers was revealed when it was stated that six executives in Siemens Company had been detained for the actions they did. These actions related to offering bribes to German and different customers in the telecommunication industry. Additionally, these executives were blamed of stealing money from Siemens Company to pay for the offered bribes. Thomson Ganswindt was among the arrested executives. He was heading the telecommunications equipment unit in the company. The assessed bribes amounted to 200 million euros and supposedly incorporated using bribes to get the security systems contract. This was at the 2004 Olympic Games held in Greece (Stanwick, 2014). The concerns began after Michael Kutschenreuter, a senior executive in Siemens Company, stated that he received a very worrying phone call in the beginning of 2004 from Beit Al Etisalat. Al Etisalat was an employee of a consulting firm in Saudi that was Siemens business partner. Al Etisalat claimed that he be compensated 910 million dollars as commission payments by Siemens Company for the role he played in obtaining telecommunication contracts in Saudi Arabia. He went on to threaten the company that he would go to the United States Securities and Exchange with proof of bribes Siemens offered connected to the contracts if Siemens Company did not compensate him the commission payments (Stanwick, 2014). Due to this threat, Michael informed the company’s superiors, including the then present CEO Heinrich von Pierer and future CEO of the company Klaus
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
HRM analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
HRM analysis - Research Paper Example The hotel consists of more than 5000 rooms and suits for guests in four thirty storey towers, world class gourmet restaurants, 27000 square feet pool complex, Grand Spa, casino, clubs, etc. Different parts of the hotel have different themes, food courts, restraints, entertainment lounge etc. (Jay & Dwi, 2000). The hotel is set up on an area of 33 acres. MGM Grand Las Vegas most commonly offers accommodation services but in addition to this the hotel also serves as a venue for different shows, events and concerts. Moreover, MGM grand hotel incorporates pool parties, night clubs, shopping outlets, wedding chapel etc. History In the 60’s a group of properties started as MGM Resorts International under Kirk Kerkorian’s leadership. After the grand opening of paradise hotel in early 1970s the second hotel was built in Las Vegas named MGM Grand Las Vegas. Both the hotels were the world’s largest hotels at that time. MGM Grand Las Vegas was opened in 1993 for the first t ime. The hotel turned to be the largest hotel in the United States with over 5000 guest rooms. At the opening of MGM Grand the biggest intention was the creation of first hotel in Las Vegas that includes the Theme Park MGM Grand adventures behind casino. The objective behind this hotel was providing a friendly and family oriented atmosphere where all the family members could enjoy different activities except the casinos. Strategy A strategy that a company sets and adopts to achieve its desired business objectives and goals are known as business strategy. The strategies adopted by MGM Grand Las Vegas hotel are discussed ahead. Competitive strategies are associated with the business strategies in a way to develop a competitive edge for an organization. MGM Grand Las Vegas hotel has potential business strategies to predict the expectations of the customer most accurately and make them satisfied with creativity. Product differentiation is one of the most unique competitive strategies th at MGM Grand uses. One of the examples of this strategy is the introduction of M Life Payers Club in 2010. This club is basically a customer reward club where customers can earn points by shopping and using other services of the hotel and then use those points for other experiences like concerts, food etc. To compliment the services activities the hotel uses marketing and sales strategies (Alan, 2007). The unique communication platforms used by the hotel and the entertainment attractions has helped the hotel win a competitive advantage. The hotel uses strategies to stay ahead of competition. The various strategies adopted by MGM Grand have helped the hotel grow and expand to different countries. In 2006 MGM Grand Las Vegas focused on the extension of its brand into hotels subsidiary named MGM Hospitality. MGM hospitality is held responsible for the outsourcing of gaming and non-gaming both type of investments and the management opportunities. The opening of Grand Macau in China is a nother example of this. These investments helped in accumulating almost one billion dollars of capital in the same year. Market position The ability to establish a unique position in the mind of the customer by delivering benefits and unique features is known as the determinant for the organizations position in the market (Woods, Robert,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Accounting Standards Accounting Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Accounting Standards Accounting Essay Introduction: In accounting, for every basis, identification and measurement of the elements of financial statement and the impact of the circumstances and financial status and work results should be defined in a form of standards. These standards are like the rules for accounting in any country. That is why they denote what should be mentioned in any companys accounts. Moreover, they guarantee that certain cases, approaches and requirements are taken into account normally. In addition, they help people who are interested in investment to make decisions by ensuring that they get appropriate information needed. This is the idea behind accounting standards. When we talk about accounting standards, the main thing that comes under them is the accounting report. According to the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), accounting reports are documents filled out by brokers that give details and facts about a new clients financial circumstances and investment objectives. The report may be updated if there are material changes in a client financial position. Based on the report, a client may or may not be deemed eligible for certain types of risky investments such as commodity trading or highly leveraged limited partnership deals. The second main thing is the framework. According to the Financial Accounting Standards Board in the US, the conceptual framework is the system of fundamentals and objectives that make consistent standards by knowing that the accounting report does not mean the rules but the guidelines. Actually, rules are set in the accounting standards which we can formulate from the framework. But when we face an interpretation conflict, it takes some requirements over the framework. International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), Accounting Standards, Advantages and Disadvantages: Having said that accounting standards are the provider of the rules, conditions and consistency, they may hold some pros and cons while they are being implemented and taken in any company. Efficiency and effectiveness can be gotten through consistency if different organizations apply them than other organizations in their financial transactions. If we ask ourselves about the main reason behind bookkeeping practices, the answer would be that companies with different forms and a wide range of data to be maintained are better than those that have the same data categorized less in the same shape and will face a very big problem in trying to do business together. Hence, the justice and court have standard operations and businesses in fact, should denote all of its operations and transactions. According to Elliot (2009) companies should organize their operations with standard clients, competitors, customers, and suppliers. If we want to issue clear standards of financial accounting, we hav e to take into account the direction of the economy to establish joint stock companies with large capital. Its necessary to expand the vision of accounting standards according to communication and delivery of accounting information to lead to the need for that information to let them assess the performance of businesses to make good decisions with regards to their investment. Accounting standards are a very significant practice as it leads to effective corporate governance programs. They also provide a useful mechanism to rebuild the corporate values. Schipper, K. (2003). Principles-Based Accounting Standards. Accounting Horizons, 17(1), 61-72 The Need for Accounting Standards: The need for accounting standards has been a very important aspect to ensure that comparability, accuracy and transparency are needed for the integration of European financial markets, which is according to the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). We need accounting standards to develop the measures of performance in any form of life, whether it is in financial reporting, returns and funds, or even playing a game. Actually, high quality financial reporting is connected with efficient capital markets so as to lead for investment to be well done. If we want the economy to function efficiently, we should have accounting standards because they help us reach our destiny. With accounting standards and good financial reporting, customers can get a clear image about business activities and financial conditions. To make it very clear, I will just mention a small example created by me that will really denote and clarify the real need for accounting standards in any business ent erprise. With known and organized accounting standards, when the amount of the net income of Fathiya Company and Abeer Company is 2 million Omani Rials, we are sure that we can make a meaningful comparison. According to Schipper (2003) says that without standards, we cannot get the core aspect of assurance, for instance, whether Fathiya Company is considering the orders of the future as current sales or releasing a big amount of its expenses. Financial Accounting Standards Board, Business without Accounting Standards: It was clear that accounting standards are very important to any business. Businesses can do whatever they want to reach certain goals without the need for accounting standards, but not as well as businesses that take accounting standards into account. Without accounting standards, businesses cannot guarantee that they will consider their future list of objectives or will leave some expenses. Furthermore, businesses cannot organize operations with their customers, suppliers and even competitors without applying at least some accounting standards. Moreover, if businesses do not apply accounting standards, they definitely will not be able to structure their business well and will lead to the corporate values to be missed. Elliot, B. and Elliot, E. Financial Accounting and Reporting 13th edition, 2009 Chapters 5 and7 Accounting Standards in Oman and abroad: Oman has prepared the financial statements in accordance with International Accounting standards (IAS), the interpretations which are prepared by the Standing Interpretation Committee of the IASC and the requirements of the Commercial Companies Law of the Sultanate of Oman and the requirements set out in the rules for disclosure issued by the Capital Market Authority of the Sultanate of Oman, the disclosure is inadequate and is a negative phenomenon to a country which wishes to be strengthened further a good economy. Accounting standards in Oman may be somehow related to the accounting standards outside Oman, because, in some extent, they all come under the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), Recommendations and Conclusion: As an accounting student, I recommend all companies in Oman to have a set of accounting standards and reports in order to build a reliable business that can rank them in the top of the list of good companies. To conclude, we should think of accounting standards as the key of success for different business enterprises. In addition, if companies apply accounting standards well, other companies will look up to them to do business strategies as well as they do.
Friday, October 25, 2019
2001 A Space Odyssey Analysis Essay -- essays research papers
2001: A Space Odyssey      The following paper will analyze the movie, â€Å"2001: A Space Odyssey†by Stanley Kubrick†and â€Å"The Centinel†by Arthur C. Clarke. Although there are many themes present between the story and the film, the following are the most dominant. I will be discussing Scientific themes, Religious and Moral Themes, and Clarke’s development of the short story into a full-length film.      The first issue, I will be discussing the scientific themes of the movie. The movie, â€Å"2001: A Space Odyssey,†has a one of a kind vision of science and technology. The movie â€Å"2001†brings a great new style of reality and realism to space technology and travel. Since there was no great technology in 1968 and space travel was not as well defined as today, Kubrick stayed away from fantasy and focused more on reality of space travel, a scientific theme throughout the movie. â€Å"2001†definitely shows the viewer the outer space in a very effective way. The outer space is large and empty, which Kubrick displays very well. His computer, HAL 9000, is one of the most popular computers in my opinion. HAL 9000 is a big machine, and speaks like we expect machines to speak, and is apparently designed to have some emotion. HAL 9000 was built to be invincible with very little flaws and that characteristic is typical to be put in movies, illustrat ing the point that often movies have too much faith and trust in machines. HAL 9000 was designed to f...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Biography of Aldous Huxley Essay
Aldous Leonard Huxley was born on July 26, 1894 in Surrey, England, as the third son of Dr. Leonard Huxley and Julia Arnold. Huxley was born into a long line of scientists and intellectuals. His grandfather Thomas Henry Huxley had the nickname â€Å"Darwin’s Bulldog†for his fierce defense of evolutionary science and for his passion for teaching Victorian scientific advancements to Britain’s working classes. Aldous Huxley was also related to the poet Matthew Arnold on his mother’s side of the family. These two disciplines, literature and science, converged at the end of the Victorian era and characterize Huxley’s own career and ambitions as an author, journalist, and humanist. Educated at Eton, Aldous Huxley was forced to leave the school at the age of seventeen due to an affliction of the eyes. He was partially blind for two or three years and therefore was unable to complete the rigorous scientific training he had undertaken. Though problems with his eyes would remain with him for the rest of his life, Huxley was able to attend Oxford where he received a degree in English literature. Huxley’s career began in journalism and included music and artistic criticism as well as book reviews. He also began writing poems, essays, and historical pieces. Huxley’s first introduction to British intellectual society occurred while working as a farm laborer at Garsington Manor, the site of the â€Å"Bloomsbury Society,†a group of public intellectuals that included Bertrand Russell. There he would marry Maria Nys and they would have one child, Matthew Huxley. He also wrote his first book, a volume of poetry called The Burning Wheel. While working as an editor for â€Å"House and Garden†during the1920s, Huxley wrote many novels including Brave New World. Huxley spent several years in Italy where he formed a friendship with D.H. Lawrence. They would remain close friends and Huxley would later edit Lawrence’s collected letters after his death. In 1937, Huxley moved back to the United States to live in Hollywood, California, where he helped write scripts for several Hollywood movies of the time, although he never had a lasting career in movies. After World War II, he famously became involved with the early psychedelic drug movement. Huxley was an early proponent of the use of LSD, mescaline, and peyote for their mind-altering effects. His 1954 book The Doors of Perception argued that through the use of psychedelic drugs, people would be able to â€Å"cleanse†the doors of perception in order to embrace the infinite reality of the world. A controversial figure for most of his life, Huxley died from cancer on November 22, 1963, only hours after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, Texas. By the time of his death, he was embraced in some circles as an intellectual and writer of the highest class, especially for his creation of the dystopian fantasy in his novel Brave New World and his engagement of the theme of commercialization in modern society. Others, however, saw him as a pseudo-scientist for his work in mystical traditions and his insistence on experiencing alternate realities through meditation, Eastern religions, and drug use. For his accomplishments, Huxley received the Award of Merit for the Novel from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1959.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Evaluative Analysis of “Barn Burningâ€Â
William Faulkner’s short story entitled â€Å"Barn Burning†is a depressive manifestation of discrimination and oppression in the society. Many people especially slaves experienced in this kind of situation. Even if they were not convicted of any malicious act, they will become the prime suspect or the criminal of any unlawful actions towards the ruling class. Despite of the Abner’s character as a father and a worker contacted to the character of the main protagonist, Abner’s son. This story illustrated the circumstances and conflicts within the family in the eyes of a child.Sartoris loves his father so much but he could not tell his father how much because his father refuses to interact with his family due to successive problems in his work. In this case, the actions of the father always mould the situation of the family for he was the source of strength, weaknesses, failure, and success of everyone that gives unpredicted experience in each of the family members. â€Å"Barn Burning†is a story of a family who was being deprived in their society. Because the place was just a small county, every actions of each family or even a person were seen by everyone especially those in the ruling class.Abner Snopes, the father was suspected of burning the barn of his neighboring farmer. Despite of the fact that he was only suspected to do the unlawful action, he was already connoted as a â€Å"barn burner†. In a small place, they conduct a trial wherein they must know the reasons and evidences of burning the barn. They keep on asking Abner but he did not speak for his own yet, he almost remains silent and unpredictable. The Court of Peace dismissed the case and asked Abner to leave the county, which was the only way to â€Å"solve†the problem.Abner and his family went out the county. As they went away from their previous location, a new landlord and aristocrat went by their lives. Major de Spain owns the house they occupie d. He wants Abner to pay him a hundred dollars for the rent but Abner could not able to pay him that amount that is why de Spain told him to give him twenty bushels of corm from his farm to be the payment of their stay. Abner could not say anything because he knows that he has nothing to offer due to their lack of profit and their previous problem in their county.He did not accept what de Spain wanted but he did not also refused because he does not have any power over him. Satoris, Abner’s son did not want to pay de Spain because these were the only things they have. If they give it to de Spain, they will suffer more. Abner could not find a way, until one night while eating, de Spain’s rug partially burned. Abner did not know what to do; his temper went up again and releases his anger to his family especially to Satoris for it was always there to watch his actions. One day, they went to the Justice again.The Justice knew that de Spain’s rug burned because Satori s have told him, for the reason that Satoris think that it was the only way to defend his father from probable punishment due to accidental burning of the rug, but it does not happen. The Justice asked Abner to pay more than the bushels of corn because of the burned rug. Abner did not say anything that made the case dismissed again. Abner’s mind and heart was full of problems and heartache, which was seen by Satoris even if he refused to confess. Until one night, Abner decided to burn de Spain’s barn as his revenge to him for his inhumane actions towards him and his family.Abner runs toward the trees in the dark and went to de Spain’s barn. Satoris followed him but he could not find his father because of the darkness. He saw de Spain and warned him that his father would burn his barn. After de Spain heard Satoris’s confession, he went to the trees and find Abner with his horse. While Satoris was finding his father, he heard two shots of gun that made him think if this would be the assassination of his father or his brother’s gun whom to be his father’s accomplice. Due to tiredness, he did not saw his father. He went home when the sun rises and thinks of his father with fear, sadness, and revenge in his heart.Personally, I can say that the main protagonist in this story is Satoris because the story went on from his perspective as a child even if the author uses third person point of view. The narrator did not speak for the father but for the son who seemed to grow with unusual scenario and an irony of innocence and maturity within his heart and mind. After what had happened to his father, Satoris wants to comfort and give his father the strength but Abner refuses to communicate with his family especially with Satoris for he knew that he was just a child not knowing anything in the real world, which was the opposite of his recognition to his son.This scenario was seen throughout the story from the beginning up to the end that Abner did not give Satoris a chance to show his capability to help his father to minimize his circumstances. The words â€Å"get back into the wagon†were always the dialogue of Abner when he did not want Satoris to tell the truth. Aside from this, he only speaks to Satoris when he is mad as if Satoris and his family member were his punching bags. Punching bags means his way of releasing his anger by way of shouting and yelling at them. â€Å"You were fixing to tell them.You would have told him,†He didn't answer. His father struck him with the flat of his hand on the side of the head, hard but without heat, exactly as he had struck the two mules at the store, exactly as he would strike either of them with any stick in order to kill a horse fly, his voice still without heat or anger: â€Å"You're getting to be a man. You got to learn. You got to learn to stick to your own blood or you ain't going to have any blood to stick to you. Do you think either of them, an y man there this morning, would?Don't you know all they wanted was a chance to get at me because they knew I had them beat? Eh? †Later, twenty years later, he was to tell himself, †If I had said they wanted only truth, justice, he would have hit me again. †But now he said nothing. He was not crying. He just stood there. â€Å"Answer me,†his father said. (Faulkner, n. d. ) This situation is one of the most significant interactions between the father and the son where we could see that a father will always be the authority while the son will always beneath the authority’s actions and words.However, it also shows that Satoris wants to tell his father to listen to him – to what he wants to say and what he wants to make him feel despite of everything but he could not because he knew that his father was already numb by all their tragic situations. Another issue emerged in the story is the formulation of family versus morality. The contradiction b etween family and morality evolved from the beginning and developed within the middle up to the end of the story. It was a circumstance for Abner because he was the connected between the two – he was the bridge to the interrelating and opposing factors within him.Abner wanted to gain his and his family’s morality after what happened to them in the county that is why he chose to went away from their place, but the life and survival of his family was in the county, it was very hard for him to decide as the father and the ruling power. The story also demonstrated how Abner became powerful within his family where his words would be the rule while within his landlord and the justice, he was nothing but a farmer – a low class farmer without eyes to see, ears to hear, and mouth to speak.If Abner's violation of his own code is the impetus for Sarty's breaking away, why didn't the whole Snopes family run defiantly to the de Spain's home? It is because this breach of stan dards comes at an impressionable stage of Sarty's life, while he still bares â€Å"the terrible handicap of being young, the light weight of his few years . . . not heavy enough to keep him footed solid in [the world], to resist it and try to change the course of its events†(220). This â€Å"handicap†allows him, unlike the others, to see the wrong committed by his father and to strive to prevent its disastrous consequences.Many issues are needed to discuss in the story that emerged and developed throughout the flow of the narrative such as political, social, cultural, and personal aspects of the characters. In terms of political aspect, the situation within Abner and the Justice happens in reality. The Justice depends on the ruling class or the elite rather than the people who need him like Abner and his family. His dismissal of the case signifies that Abner was just a small person who cannot pay the Justice’s job as the same as what his landlord used to do to win the battle in the court.This political issue shows that there is no hope for people like Abner who needs the help of law but they close their doors because Abner cannot pay them huge amounts like those others. Social problem in this story was seen through the problem of morality. Discrimination was taken place in this story in different angles such as the discrimination towards the capabilities of a child, the discrimination towards low class people, and the discrimination towards women.Discrimination towards children can be seen within the clash between the father and the son wherein, the son cannot show what he got because he was just a kid, which was shown by his father. Discrimination towards low class people can be seen within the clash between Abner and his landlord, wherein his landlord keep on telling him that he could not be able to rise from poverty because he was a â€Å"Barn Burner†and he will always be the barn burner as long as he lives. On the other hand, the discrimination towards women can be seen through the characters of Abner’s wife, sister, and his daughters.All of them have no voice in their family. They just keep on asking themselves what is happening without any confrontation between them and Abner. The character of Abner’s wife was weak as what the narrator illustrated wherein she only used to cry and to shout when Abner is doing something unusual, but there is no resolution within her – just an explosion of her feelings through tears and yell. Cultural issues also emerged within the family. Their family culture was seen when they went to their new house. All of them have their own tasks, from the father, the mother, the aunt, up to the children.However, the emergence of the conflict did not come from their tasks but from their own beliefs as individuals. Abner’s belief as a father did not match from the belief of the mother and his son Satoris but the same with his other son whom to be his acco mplice in the end. Despite of the fact that they are a family, their culture did not match from one another, which resulted more problems and conflicts between them. Personal issues were the primary problem in the story. All of the characters have their own problems, fears, and failures as individuals.Even if they get along as a family, they tend to clash because of their own perspectives and ideologies that are different from one another. Aside from these, their personal issues increased because of their environmental issues or their issues within their environment such as the people around them. Through this, personal issues became the real point of attack of each character to establish their characterization. When it comes to the characters in the story, protagonists correlate one another in order to build their own depiction. However, the father made its character become part of each of the characters in the story.His actions and words manifest significantly towards the realizat ions and ideologies of other characters especially his family. His words became the rule; his scream was the echo of the house, while his face became the image of law in their house. â€Å"If you ain't going to tote, go on and set up the wash pot,†the first said. â€Å"You, Sarty! †the second shouted. â€Å"Set up the wash pot! †His father appeared at the door, framed against that shabbiness, as he had been against that other bland perfection, impervious to either, the mother's anxious face at his shoulder.â€Å"Go on,†the father said. â€Å"Pick it up. †The two sisters stooped, broad, lethargic; stooping, they presented an incredible expanse of pale cloth and a flutter of tawdry ribbons. â€Å"If I thought enough of a rug to have to git hit all the way from France I wouldn't keep hit where folks coming in would have to tromp on hit,†the first said. They raised the rug, â€Å"Abner, †the mother said. â€Å"Let me do it. †â€Å"You go back and git dinner,†his father said. â€Å"I'll tend to this. †(Faulkner, n. d. ) As a whole, all the characters in the story were mould based on the character of Abner.His weaknesses, strengths, failure, and success became their foundation to have their own perspective in life. Despite of the fact that they have encountered cultural, political, personal, and social issues, all of them are connected to the execution of Abner in different situations even the Justice and the landlord expose its character to make the life of Abner more miserable. Justification towards this issue can be seen throughout the story where all their eyes were set to Abner’s actions and expressions.Therefore, I can say that fatherhood is a sensitive responsibility towards family and morality. A man’s family always depends on his strategies and capabilities as the provider of his home. However, his capability to discriminate the strengths of his family members is a lso an emerging conflict for the reason that because of his power, he tends to dominate their own principles without recognizing that it may be the solution to their problem, which resulted failure, inconvenience, and miscommunication within the family. Works CitedFaulkner, William. â€Å"Barn Burning. †Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. Ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Fort Worth: Harcourt, 1997. 216-30. Faulkner, William â€Å"Barn Burning by William Faulkner†(n. d. ) Retrieved on October 30, 2007 from http://www. nku. edu/~peers/barnburning. htm Meyers, Michael. The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Boston, MA: Bedford Books of St. Martin’S Press, 1999. ________. â€Å"Barn Burning:†Family vs. Morality. (n. d. ) Retrieved on October 30, 2007 from http://members. aol. com/danieledg1/barn. html
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