Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Coeducation and Students Achievement in Mathematics
Coeducation and Students Achievement in Mathematics Presentation This undertaking targets exploring two extremely significant philosophies with respect to utilization of different tutoring framework. The main inquiry will focus on the impacts that solitary sex or blended school situations have on Mathematics accomplishment, while the subsequent thought will be to take a gander at the benefits and negative marks of these frameworks in the general student’s accomplishment in Mathematics as a subject.Advertising We will compose a custom exploration paper test on Coeducation and Students’ Achievement in Mathematics explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Technically, the undertaking plan will incorporate an audit of its specific circumstance, venture justification or the intuition behind it, a segment on writing survey, a portrayal of realities and information assortment approachs, a proposed course of events for the different exercises envisioned and a rundown of reference material utilized. Setting of the St udy The investigation of single sex and blended sex schools may have a fluctuated number of angles that one may wish to investigate. In the first place, there might be the issue of sexual orientation dispersion There may likewise be the point of assets circulation in schools where one might need to think about the degree of parity, in the two sorts of schools. A specialist may likewise need to examine coeducation from the point of view of segregation as far as race, shading and even access to offices (Francis, 2004). The other point that one may move toward the issue of coeducation from is the exhibition of these schools either in singular subjects or on a general premise, in contrast with the single sex schools. One may likewise limit to singular understudy attributes on issues like control and how it might influence the understudies execution in the subject, while contrasting a similar variable with case situations in singles sex schools. Primary Focus of the Study As noted above, different edges. This examination will in any case center around two viewpoints which are; an investigation of the impacts of coeducational condition in students’ execution of the science subject and the positive and negative commitments of blend classes, to the accomplishment of arithmetic as a subject. Coeducation Environment and Students Performance in Mathematics nature in which training is being given happens to be a significant supporter of the general result expected of the understudies (Tully Jacob, 2010). Notwithstanding, there are a few different powers that impact students’ execution on specific subjects and on a general total that it would not be anything but difficult to single out one as the most prevailing variable (Sullivan, 2009). One of the discoveries that may clarify the presentation of arithmetic subject in coeducational schools is the disclosure that young men and young ladies blended schools don't show any obviously better characteristics in exa mination than their partners in single sex schools, either in curricular or co-curricular exercises (Sax, 2005). Along these lines the earth of single sex schools appear to be give understudies better odds of doing admirably in mathematicsAdvertising Looking for research paper on instruction? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It might appear that the view of arithmetic as an in any case troublesome subject pushes young men in single sex schools to go an additional mile, in an offer to show their capacity as far as dealing with troublesome issues in a masculine manner, and during the time spent attempting to surpass each other, they wind up boosting their individual exhibitions and in the long run that of the entire class.(Pomerantaz, Altermatt Saxon, 2002). The circumstance is anyway unique in blended schools where terrible showing by one sex may prompt hauling the normal total behind (Paton Moore, 2010). Positive and Negativ e Effects of Single Sex School Environment to the Achievement of Mathematics Positive Effects The presence of one sexual orientation in one school condition is accepted to improve elevates the degrees of rivalry since the members are viewed as equivalents and subsequently every last one of them will in general put more exertion to get observable and remain seriously significant (Barmao, Bosire Mandoch, 2008).This rivalry is most obvious where educators underscore on the way that none of them has more predominant trademark than the other yet are pretty much of equivalent in regular enrichment. Single sex schools likewise will in general level the standards of rivalry along these lines there is a decent playing field that doesn’t give any one bit of leeway over the other. Further, instructing understudies in single sex schools appears to add to a definitive certainty of individual understudies. Young ladies specifically have been found to avoid adding to questions and conversat ion in class within the sight of their male partners (Sax, 2005). Further, single sex schools lessen the odds of the demeanor of the educator to have as much effect on the exhibition of the understudies. There are more possibilities that an educator would all the more frequently express a non-pleasing disposition towards a solitary understudy as opposed to a gathering (Sullivan, 2009). In single sex school the statements of an instructor might be simpler to manage since they will have no tendency to any sexual orientation and accordingly the understudies can shape a methods for adapting to a teacher’s demeanor more than in a blended school circumstance were articulation might be restricted by the presence of one sex. The single sex condition again permits young men and young ladies to completely act in a characteristic manner as their activities are not dependent upon analysis by the contrary sex. It is characteristic that within the sight of individuals from the contrary sex ual orientation people will act in an alternate manner from their ordinary self consequently constraining the odds of drawing out their genuine self. A solitary sex school wipes out such traits and rather advocates for full articulation of self consequently upgrading such qualities as being certifiable and assertive.Advertising We will compose a custom examination paper test on Coeducation and Students’ Achievement in Mathematics explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are likewise diminished odds of impact by undesirable connections that may happen in blended schools. This really is one of the supporters of horrible showings in blended schools and along these lines the further the detachment the higher the odds of better execution (Gurian Steven, 2004) Negative Effects A solitary school condition precludes understudies portrayal from securing this present reality where both sexual orientation need to exist together. This may ingrain inclinations of close d-mindedness or failure to see the world as a spot where manifestations need to live and supplement each other. Basically, the use of the exercises educated may not be exceptionally pragmatic since the earth they were instructed in and their condition of use vary in a few different ways (Tully Jacobs, 2010). There are additionally higher odds of the two sexual orientations mixing for ruinous purposes. Since they are all at a similar age level, they are probably going to have all the more understanding and holding among themselves further raising their odds of effectively consenting to a negative plot (Paton Moore, 2010). It must be comprehended that understudies in their early stages have an explorative brain and they may at times wan to try either very much idea targets or for some situation inconspicuous repercussions. This hampers students’ exhibitions since there is the drive of crowd brain science. Task Rationale Education influences the general view purpose of the gener al public on different issues and in this way it is imperative to know how the different frameworks of instruction that exist may affect on the general public. This is an investigation that can also be of extraordinary effect on strategy producers in helping the dynamic procedure that may concern asset circulation. As an understudy and a yearning academician, this examination would reveal insight into why one method of instruction would be desirable over certain individuals and not others, and why there doesn’t exist a general concurrence on the accepted procedures regarding this matter. Venture Aims This project’s fundamental point will be to:Advertising Searching for research paper on training? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Think about the exhibitions of understudies in blended schools to that of understudies in single sex schools in science subject. To see if there are outstanding and significant difficulties found and/or presented by inclination of any of these training frameworks. Examination Questions What are the impacts of a coeducational domain on student’s accomplishment on Mathematics subject? What are the positive and negative aftereffects of blended classes on the students’ execution of arithmetic? Writing Review There is a serious considerable measure of material regarding the matter of coeducation, some of which will no uncertainty fill in as an incredible asset for this undertaking. The web will be a distinct advantage apparatus for this examination since there is a sizable measure of information that can be valuable in educating this investigation. Past investigations that have been directed and protected in books or diaries will likewise be helpful for this examination, to give a chronicled foundation of the investigation. Spielhofer, Benton, and Schagen (2004) gathering titiled An investigation of the impacts of school size and single sex training in English Shools will be a decent wellspring of infromation. Paper surveys and bits of knowledge regarding this matter may likewise demonstrate helpful to this investigation and will be utilized to reveal more insight into the subject. Despite the fact that there will be no direct information assortment, stakeholder’s sees that might be communicated in casual sittings or other media will be consolidated. Strategy This examination will intensely depend on data accessible on the background of past investigations. In such manner the exploration will basically be directed from the libraries where books and other material con
Saturday, August 22, 2020
10 Facts on the Geography of Beijing China
10 Facts on the Geography of Beijing China Populace: 22,000,000 (2010 estimate)Land Area: 6,487 square miles (16,801 sq km)Bordering Areas: Hebei Province toward the north, west, south,â and part of the east and the Tianjin Municipality toward the southeastAverage Elevation: 143 feet (43.5 m) Nuts and bolts About Beijing Beijing is an enormous city situated in northern China. It is likewise Chinas capital city and it is viewed as a direct-controlled region and, all things considered, it is controlled legitimately by Chinas focal government rather than an area. Beijing has an enormous populace at 22,000,000 and it is partitioned into 16 urban and rural areas and two rustic counties.Beijing is known as being one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China (alongside Nanjing, Luoyang and Changan or Xian). It is likewise a significant transportation center point, a political and social focus of China, and was host to the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. Geographic Facts Coming up next is a rundown of ten geographic realities to think about Beijing.1)The name Beijing implies Northern Capital yet it has been renamed a few times in its history. A portion of these names incorporate Zhongdu (during the Jin Dynasty) and Dadu (under the Yuan Dynasty). The citys name was additionally changed from Beijing to Beiping (which means Northern Peace) twice in its history. After the establishing of the Peoples Republic of China,â however, its name formally became Beijing.2) It is accepted that Beijing has been occupied by present day people for around 27,000 years. What's more, fossils from Homo erectus, going back to 250,000 years prior have been found in collapses Beijings Fangshan District. Beijings history comprises of battles between different Chinese administrations which battled for the region and utilized it as Chinas capital.3) In January 1949, during the Chinese Civil War, Communist powers entered Beijing, at that point called Beiping, and in October of that year, Mao Zedong reported the making of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) and renamed the city Beijing, its capital. 4) Since the establishing of the PRC, Beijing experienced numerous progressions to its physical structure, including the evacuation of its city divider and the development of streets expected for vehicles rather than bikes. Most as of late, land in Beijing has created at a quick pace and numerous recorded territories have been supplanted by living arrangements and shopping centers.5) Beijing is one of the most created and modern zones of China and it was one of the principal post-mechanical urban areas (which means its economy did not depend on assembling) to develop in China. Fund is a significant industry in Beijing, as is the travel industry. Beijing likewise makes them make situated on the western edges of the city and horticulture is delivered outside of major urban areas.6) Beijing is situated at the tip of the North China Plain (guide) and it is encircled by mountains toward the north, northwest,â and west. The Great Wall of China is situated in the northern piece of the regi on. Mount Dongling is Beijings most elevated point at 7,555 feet (2,303 m). Beijing additionally has a few significant waterways moving through it which incorporate the Yongding and the Chaobai Rivers.7) The atmosphere of Beijing is viewed as muggy mainland with sweltering, damp summers and freezing, dry winters. Beijings summer atmosphere is affected by the East Asian rainstorm. The normal July high temperature for Beijing is 87.6Â °F (31Â °C), while the January normal high is 35.2Â °F (1.2Â °C).8) Because of Chinas quick development and the presentation of a huge number of vehicles into Beijing and encompassing regions, the city is known for its poor air quality. Subsequently, Beijing was the principal city in China to require outflows gauges to be actualized on its vehicles. Contaminating vehicles have additionally been restricted from Beijing and are not permitted to try and enter the city. Notwithstanding air contamination from vehicles, Beijing additionally has air quality issues because of regular residue storms that have created Chinas northern a nd northwestern deserts due to erosion.9) Beijing is the second-biggest (subsequent to Chongqing) of Chinas direct-controlled districts. Most of Beijings populace is Han Chinese. Minority ethnic gatherings incorporate Manchu, Hui and Mongol, just as a few little global communities.10) Beijing is a famous traveler goal inside China since it is a focal point of Chinas history and culture. Numerous notable compositional destinations and a few UNESCO World Heritage Sites are inside the region. For instance, The Great Wall of China, the Forbidden City,â and Tiananmen Square are totally situated in Beijing. Moreover, in 2008, Beijing facilitated the Summer Olympic Games and locales built for the games, for example, the Beijing National Stadium are popular.To become familiar with Beijing, visit the municipalitys official website.Sources: Beijing - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Recovered from:
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
The Signs of Anorexia in Teens
The Signs of Anorexia in Teens Eating Disorders Symptoms Print Signs of Anorexia to Watch for in Teens By Barbara Poncelet Barbara Poncelet, CRNP, is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner specializing in teen health. Learn about our editorial policy Barbara Poncelet Updated on February 19, 2020 Verywell / Chelsea Damraksa More in Eating Disorders Symptoms Treatment Diagnosis Awareness and Prevention Anorexia is a serious, and sometimes deadly, eating disorder. It is said that 0.5 to 1% of women in the United States suffer from anorexia. Because the disease often starts in the teen years and can be fatal up to 20% of the time if not treated, its important for parents to know the signs of anorexia in teens. Overview Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes the person to severely restrict what he or she eats or drinks. The anorexic is often underweight, but continues to feel overweight or “fat.†There is often a great fear of gaining any weight, despite the fact that the person is underweight. Signs in Teens There are many and varied signs of anorexia in teens:Refusing to maintain a normal and healthy body weight.Extreme fear of becoming fat or gaining weight.Continuous dieting.Excessive and compulsive exercising.Being obsessed with diets, calories, nutritional information, fat grams, etc.Being very restrictive of what he or she will eat (no carbohydrates, no fat, etc.)Avoiding food and eating or denying hunger.Developing rituals regarding food (eating food in a certain order, excessive chewing, etc.) Problems Caused by Anorexia Symptoms of the disease include the physical consequences of not eating enough calories or nutrients. These symptoms include: Amenorrhea. If the anorexic is female, she may never get her first period or her periods stop or become less frequentMuscle weakness and loss of muscleBrittle bones (osteoporosis)Dry skinHair lossA fine layer of hair grows over the bodyWeakness and tirednessFaintingIrritability, depression, withdrawal from friends and familyLow blood pressure or low pulse Anorexics are often hard-driving perfectionists. Despite the fact that they usually get good grades and excel in after-school activities, they often have low self-esteem and a need to control the people and things around them. These personality traits might be obvious or they might be subtle, but they can point towards a tendency to anorexia. If you think your teen is anorexic, get help immediately. Contact your pediatrician or family physician for help with managing this potentially devastating disease. Because of the complicated nature of the disease, enlisting the help of those who have experience with eating disorders is key to help get your teen on the road to recovery. What Influences Anorexia Recovery?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay On No Child Left Behind - 1055 Words
What is over the top requirements? Per the extreme efforts of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the 10TH AMENDMENT, Title I all has placed our nation at risk for complete failure. With over 98,817 operating schools in the United States alone, and 88,929 public schools, 66,646 of them are categorized as Title I schools. Some may think the accomplishments NCLB since it was put into place on January 8, 2002 by former President Bush has made tremendous leaps and bounds. When in fact the education reform plan seems to have not fulfilled the acts in which represented the Presidents best interest of education. The NCLB reform plan was supposed to contain the most sweeping changes the US were to have ever seen since the Elementary and Secondary†¦show more content†¦However, the shameful untruth and bias ways of common core English Language Arts (ELA), Math, etc. core cost, standards, quality and the overall constitutionality of common core for students is causing cultural illiteracy. I pose the questions how can we as a country, provide our public schools in the United States equitable financing through a system of fiscal federalism? Even though funds are used for their operation and appropriated on all three levels, federal, state, and local since the mid-1970s to the mid-1990s, collectively â€Å"federal and state support for public education accounted for slightly less than 50 percent of all operating expenses, with the federal treasury providing lessShow MoreRelatedNo Child Left Behind Essay2629 Words  | 11 PagesNo Child Left Behind; Why we should rethink the current policy. Education was the focus of George W. Bush’s Presidential campaign in 2000. Using the improved Texas educational system as an example, President Bush promised to change education in America for the better. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was the result of his promise. Bringing reform to American Education, the NCLB is the topic of much controversyRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Essays1062 Words  | 5 Pages LITERATURE REVIEW Rushton talks about the funding for the No Child Left Behind is being held back if the students don’t do well on the standardized tests. So if the students don’t do well on the testing the teachers are being affected in the way of how much they are getting paid, also affects the school districts funding. This is encouraging the teachers not to teach the way they should, but they are teaching in the way of let’s just make the students do well on the standardized tests. In thisRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind776 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction One of main components of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is measuring school’s success by it graduation rate because of this enactment, schools are focused to ensure students graduate from high school (US Department of Education, n.d.). In the past, students who needed credit recovery attended summer school to try and recovery lost course credit. Today however, there are many software programs that now replace traditional summers school. Through online web based software, students canRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind840 Words  | 4 PagesNo Child Left Behind (NCLB) was produced to make 100% of students’ proficient by 2014. While the idea sounds perfect on paper, it is not the case when it is put into action. NCLB was replaced in 2015 and replaced by the Every Student Succeeds Act. Many students did not use the resource effectively due to the fact that not all children have the same views and desires toward fulfilling their education career. This in turn makes it hard for the teachers to follow the education guidelines while alsoRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind928 Words  | 4 PagesNo Child Left Behind The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 was a US Act of Congress. This law took effect in 2002. This had an impact on US public school classrooms. Through this law there were several effects in the way schools teaching their students. this also affected what tests the students had to take and the teachers training. This also addressed the way schools and their districts were going to spend their monetary funds. The goal of this act was to provide educators assistance in planningRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind719 Words  | 3 Pages Ever since President George W. Bush implemented the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) act in 2002, states across the nation have developed a wide array of methods to keep education systems accountable. When identifying the role the NCLB has in America’s education systems, Professor of Educational Policy Studies at the University of Arizona Jill Koyama determined that the NCLB act requires â€Å"†¦ states [to] implement accountability systems that assess students annually and, based on those assessments, determineRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind1333 Words  | 6 PagesHook: â€Å"I used to love teaching,†said Steve Eklund, a retired California teacher. â€Å"Four words drove me into retirementâ€â€No Child Left Behind. I could no longer tend to the needs and wants of my students. All I was supposed to do was to get them ready to take tests.†Intro (with thesis): The surviving NCLB mindset of standardized tests being an accurate measure of a students achievement is a problem because it affects our student’s education and increases performance pressure on teachers. WhatRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind1813 Words  | 8 PagesPriscilla Rojas English 1A Mrs. Santani 13 December 2017 No Child Left Behind There have been many efforts made by the U.S government to reform our public-school education system. In the year 2002, a law promoted by George W. Bush required public schools to provide demographics on each one of their students. With this system in place, it ensures that no child enrolled is neglected from this system. The No Child Left Behind law is a disadvantage to our public-school system. Even though this act wasRead MoreNo Child Left Behind Essay1378 Words  | 6 Pages Since its inception in 2001, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has only made the divide in quality of education greater, and was ultimately detrimental to the American Education System. When President George Bush first proposed the NCLB, his intention was to level the playing field and provide an equally excellent education for every American student, what happened though, could not have been further from George Bush’s intentions. The whole basis of the NCLB is funding for performance, meaningRead MoreEssay On No Child Left Behind1132 Words  | 5 PagesNo Child Left Behind The American education system often conjures up images of classrooms, students and teachers. Yet it can also be a point of political contention. The educational system is complex and intended to encompass all students so they can further their education and essentially their futures. However, the real question is in its effectiveness. After all, if there is no way to show that students are actually learning, then it renders the idea of schooling moot. That is why education policy
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay on Assess and Outline Analytical Behaviourism
Analytical Behaviourism is an empiricist view that was popular in the 1950s, and 60s. It was regarded as a scientific study of the mind, unlike psychological behaviourism. Popular behaviourists include Tom Nagel, Hempel and Ryle. Behaviourists believe that every time we talk about the mind we are infact talking about either actual, or possible, behaviour. So we are speaking about just physical substances and attributes, and nothing non-physical. Behaviourists reject the existence of mental states `sui generis, (as something in their own right). As behaviourism is all to do with the physical, behaviourism is a form of materialism. It claims to solve the mind and body problem, aswell as the problem of other minds, solipsism.†¦show more content†¦Each of us has a concept of anger as an emotional state, not as a behaviourist state, so it seems to make sense that anger is not purely a behaviourist state, but is most definitely also what we feel it to be, and how we experie nce it. Behaviourism also seems to confuse what identifies mentality with what mentality actually is, for example Litmus paper identifies acids from alkalis, but is not the difference between them, in the same way that certain behaviour can identify certain ways we must feel, but is not the be all and end all of who we are. If behaviour is caused by mental states, which it does appear to be, then surely we have two entities and not one? Behaviourism seems to ignore this, but it is a problem because something cannot cause itself, but must be caused by something separate. There must be at least two entities, in order for there to be cause and effect. Another criticism of behaviourism is that we could never learn words which refer to how we feel, for example anger, if we did not know what it was in our mind. We can refer to anger, fear, excitement, etc because we have experience of what these feel like, we do not only simply visualise the behaviour associated with these feelings in order to understand them, we also remember what thisShow MoreRelatedConflict Management and Emotional Intelligence63003 Words  | 253 Pages  1 1.2 Research issues and contributions                4 1.3 Justification for the research                            6 1.4 Research Method              1.5 Outline of the dissertation                      11 1.6 Definitions of Terms               12 1.7 Delimitations of scope and key assumptions         16
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Thomas Jefferson Free Essays
Thomas Jefferson Free Essays As stated in the instructions under the navigation link, â€Å"Papers/ Projects,†a historical analogy Is to â€Å"compare/contrast†two historical events. You should choose two historical events In which you compare and contrast two important historical events such as two battles, two laws, two presidential administrations, etc. You should begin on this assignment as soon as possible. We will write a custom essay sample on Thomas Jefferson or any similar topic only for you Order Now This assignment is very important and is worth 300 points! You must submit your historical analogy no later than OCTOBER 19th! This assignment Is worth a total of 300 plants It Is due no later than the last day of class Please submit your Historical Analogy to the instructor, using the †Here is a detailed description of what a â€Å"Historical Analogy†is for the purposes of this course: Historical Analogies are essays that compare/contrast two or more historical events, issues, and/or ideas. Analogies help to increase understanding by dealing with relationships and comparisons – the new to the old, the unknown to the known. That is, analogies help us to understand unfamiliar Ideas, things, and situations by showing how these matters are similar to something we already know. The instructions below should give you an idea of what the skeleton of a historical analogy essay might look like: You would write a brief Introduction that states your thesis (central Idea, whatever – however you learned It) and previews how your essay will be constructed: [Then you would write the body of your paper:] You would then tie it all together with a well-written conclusion. So, the Idea Is to compare/contrast two historical events/issues from the same era, or one historical event/lessee from one era with a scalar historical event/lessee from another era, or a current event with a historical event we have read about or discussed. Thus, Historical Analogy assignment is essentially an essay discussing and analyzing what you have learned In a way that makes history meaningful to us In our present Analogies should be a MINIMUM length of 4 double spaced pages. REMEMBER, this is the minimum. You should go beyond the minimum if you expect to receive higher Han minimum points for this assignment. You must use AT LEAST three sources OTHER THAN your textbook. You should send your analogy to the instructor via the MESSAGES center (as an attachment). The Dropped can be found under the †Tools†navigation button. Be sure to cite all sources that you use! You must also provide a list of your sources/ references at the end of your paper. This should be the last page of your paper. This is a must! Use the Epistyle and format. Sample Analogy Essay: This is an example of an Analogy essay from one of my previous classes. Although his analogy is not as long as four (double spaced typed) pages, this should give you a good idea regarding the style and form your essay should take. I hope it is helpful. 🙂 In this analogy, I will compare partisan politics of the early United Gastroenteritis to today’s political parties. Prior to 1789 there was basically one party in American politics. In approximately 1792 due to differing opinions on the direction the United Statehood take in terms of commerce, and trade two separate parties began to form. The Federalist party headed by Washington, but whose financial policy was set by Alexander Hamilton, believed that the economic success of the United States lied in trade, and commercial interests. Their power base was in the New Mistranslated where there was less of an emphasis on agriculture due to poor soil. The Republican party began around 1792. Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison became convinced that Hamiltonians policies favored the wealthy commercial interests at the expense of agriculture. Their belief was that Hamilton and the Federalists were bent on forming an aristocratic government in the United States. Although the names have changed we still have two main political parties in the United States. Today we have the Republican, and the Democratic parties. As in the late sass’s both of our present day parties claim to be the party of the people. Like early politics both of our parties continually blame the other for the problems that our society experiences. In the assess citizens complained when the United Stateside not remain neutral in European politics, and the same holds true today. Currently we are mired in problems in Bosnia, and most U. S. Citizens would probably rather not see our U. S. Troops involved in something we consider not to be our fight. The last thing that I would compare is how our U. S. Politics were nasty back in early look at Aaron Burr, and Alexander Hamilton. Aaron Burr after being thwarted by Hamiltonian his bid for president challenged Hamilton a duel. Burr was upset at Hamiltonian Hamiltonians comment that Burr was too dangerous, and unfit to hold office. The end result was that Hamiltonian shot and killed by Burr in this duel. While today our politicians do not shoot each other, they do find other ways to kill ACH other politically. In today’s politics no aspect of a public figures private life is exempt from public scrutiny. Our politicians even go as far as to hire private investigators to dig up dirt on each other. While I do not have a fix for the evils, and divisiveness that our two party system brings about, I do think that it does have its redeeming qualities. Having two parties keeps the ruling party semi-honest. With the threat of losing an election should you go against the will of the people, a two party system allows voters a choice come election time. How to cite Thomas Jefferson, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A Benefit For Babies Hospital free essay sample
James Taylor A Benefit for Babies Hospital Winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you have to do is call, and Ill be there, youve got a friend. James Taylor, one of the most talented entertainers of all time, has definitely kept his promise to the thousands of sick children he helped by raising money for Babies Hospital in New York City. Last month, James Taylor held three benefit concerts at the Paramount, which raised approximately $1.2 million for the hospital. From the moment he hit the stage and began to sing the first lines of Sweet Baby James, to the incredible encore of Youve Got a Friend, James Taylor kept the crowds cheering. His fans sang in unison to every song that was sung. Of course he sang all the old favorites including; Carolina on My Mind How Sweet It Is, and the unforgettable Fire and Rain. The night would not have been complete without some of his more recent hits such as Copperline and The Frozen Man. We will write a custom essay sample on A Benefit For Babies Hospital or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During intermission, the head of pediatrics at Babies Hospital came onto the stage and thanked all who were part of the benefit. This was followed by an extremely emotional video about the hospital and exactly what the money was going to be used for. The film showed many of the premature babies and ill children who are healed by the wondrous doctors at Babies. After viewing the movie, everyone in the audience felt as if s/he had accomplished a noble deed by contributing to the cause. From beginning to end, James filled the room with his popular serenades and undying energy. Without fail, James Taylor gave his all-out best for a great cause and definitely made the night memorable for all his adoring fans. . Review by J. B, New City, NY
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles free essay sample
Fundamental Rights are meant for the citizen while Directive Principles of State Policy are meant for the State. In other words Fundamental Rights are individualistic and meant for individual citizens while Directive Principles of State Policy are socialistic in nature and want to establish equality and justice in the society. b) Fundamental Rights are enforceable in the courts. Individual can move to the court seeking legal assistance if Fundamental Rights are usurped by force. On the other hand Directive Principles of State Policy are not enforceable and no one can go to the courts to compel the State for their proper implementation. c) Further, courts are bound to declare as void(with few exceptions) any law that is inconsistent with any of the Fundamental Rights On the other hand for Directive Principles the courts can not declare as void any law which in conflict with any of the Directive Principles. d) Fundamental Rights are automatically enforced. We will write a custom essay sample on Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While Directive Principles, on the other hand, need legislation or policy intervention for their proper implementation so long as there is no law carrying out the policy laid down in the Directive Principles. e) Fundamental Rights seek to establish political democracy while directive principles seek to establish social and economic democracy. In other words Fundamental Rights are political in character. These rights guarantee Some democratic rights to the citizen. On the other hand, Directive Principles are economic in nature and want to ensure social and economic security of the people. f) The Fundamental Rights are claims of the citizens recognized by the state. They are in the nature of denial of certain authority to the government. They are, therefore, negative in nature. On the contrary, almost all Directive Principles are positive in character as they are like positive directions that the government at all levels must follow to contribute to the establishment of social and economic democracy in India. ) Some Fundamental Rights of the citizens remain suspended during national emergency. But the question of suspension of Directive Principles does not arise during emergency or in any time. h) Fundamental Rights are not absolute and citizens are subject to reasonable restrictions. On the other hand, Directive Principles are not subject to any constitutional limitations. Based on political will the government may or may not implement them. i) In case of conflict between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles, the former gets supremacy in the court. Every legislation made to implement Directive Principles of State Policy is subject to scrutiny of the court to determine whether it is violative of the Fundamental Rights, particularly Article 14 and Article 19. j) Fundamental Rights are more precise and concrete while Directive Principles are more of general nature and are of wider significance. Despite so many differences, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles are closely connected to each other. Both concepts constitute an indispensable part of the Constitution and are fundamental for proper development of our country.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Austria-Hungary and Fischers Thesis
Austria-Hungary and Fischers Thesis More devastating than any previous war, and the first genuinely global conflict, the Great War brutally welcomed the world to the 20th century. Historians in abundance have extensively studied the subject, providing their own conclusions as to who they believe is "to blame". Germany's role and the amount of blame that should be apportioned to it for the occurrence of the First World War is widely debated; leading the charge that Germany was responsible for tipping Europe into a global war was Fritz Fischer. Fischer's groundbreaking revelation argued "Germany has deliberately instigated World War I (WW1) in an attempt to become a world power." While Fischer's thesis initially appears very compelling given his analysis of source documents, further examination reveals that events leading up to WWI, and the role played by other states, paints a more nuanced picture of the complex reasons. I will argue that on a re-reading of key historical analysis of the causes of war, Austria-Hungary i s first among the equals in tipping the continent into a global conflict.[1:The Austro-Hungarian Empire, German Empire and pri...Moses, John "Fischer, Fritz" pages 386-387 from The Encyclopaedia of Historians and Historical Writing edited by Kelly Boyd, Volume 1, Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 1999 page 38]In 1961, Fritz Fischer published his first novel, which generated extensive debates on the primary agent for war. His thesis compellingly argues Germany's for guilt for along three broad themes: imperialist drivers, social and political concerns, and military pressures. [1: Fritz Fischer's novel Griff nach der Weltmacht: Die Kriegzielpolitik des kaiserlichen Deutschland 1914-1918 was translated into English in 1967 under the title Germany's Aims in the First World War. Its publication revived public interest in the First World War and the topic of blame.]Weaknesses in Fischer's overall argument are evident when we look closely at each theme. First,
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Observing Global Warming & the Harm of It Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Observing Global Warming & the Harm of It - Essay Example Like many are already aware of, carbon dioxide plays a major role in its own right as it comes to the warming of the Earth and the resulting weakness of the global inhabitants that comes as a result of that warming. Another culprit is the continued robbing of the forests through the means of deforestation. Those trees are meant to act in a way that turns the CO2 into breathable oxygen for human consumption. Most importantly, the industrial nature of the modern world has served as a means of killing the natural world that is forced to co-exist with it. The technological desires of mankind have forced the Earth into a tailspin that, if not caught, will continue to force it into a continued destructive phase that will ultimately tear it apart at the core. With the increase in human population and other expansion, it has increased the need for a building that has taken small cities and built them into metropolises of great grander. These Cities feed the advancement of man, without any kind of thought to the environmental damage which is inflicted upon the Earth. As many knows, greed itself sells. Humanistic nature overwhelms, as well as strangles, in most cases, the needs of those things around them, especially in the precious environment that is drowning as each day goes by. The desire of people for their own self-serving interests takes hold and crushes anything in its surrounding path that may interrupt that. As the analysis shows within the presentation, human nature is at the root of the current state of the environment. Humans need shelter to survive and as such trees need to be cut down for the construction of those dwellings. Only those trees are what create the breathing oxygen. Charcoal aids in cooking food, and so much mo re.Â
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Explain the structure and objectives of the UK and US regulatory Essay
Explain the structure and objectives of the UK and US regulatory systems and assess whether they are capable of regulating the f - Essay Example It will then discuss the Dodd-Frank Act passed by the United States Congress and conclude with an estimation of the efforts of both countries. UK Financial Regulatory Measures In the UK several reports were made that reviewed the global recession crisis with the purpose of offering corrective suggestions that would bear on the regulation the financial service industry. The important ones were the Turner Review, The Treasury White Paper on Reforming Financial Market, and the Walker Report that dealt with corporate governance. The first important report was produced by Lord Adair Turner. In May, 2008 Turner was appointed Chairman of the Financial Services Authority. By the Bank of England Act 1998, the Tripartite Authorities was created consisting of the Her Majesty's (HM) Treasury, the Bank of England, and the newly created Financial Services Authority (FSA). The FSA took over bank supervision services from the Bank of England. Turner is an insider of the both the UK and the US financ ial markets. In the United States he worked for Chase Manhattan Bank from 1979-92 and for Merrill Lynch Europe where he serviced as Vice-Chairman during the period of the recession, 2000-2006. In 1994, Turner became a director of the influential American consulting firm McKinsey & C. Turner presented a formal talk to the Bank of India in February, 2010. The event was the 14th C.D. Deshmukh Memorial Lecture. He made several observations that foretold ways in which the U.K. would be concerned with meeting the economic crisis. Financial transaction taxes could be used to control Short-term speculative inflows. Capital requirments against trading activities and leverage constraints on bank and non-bank trades were practical tools Macro-prudential tools could be used to warn off asset price bubbles and not interest rate levers. Turner's remarks were essentially in accord with the May, 2009 Turner Review. The review went against the efficient market theory that was often used to support a stance of self-correcting markets. It stated, "Market efficiency does not imply market rationality", making a note of "self-reinforcing herd effects and of prices overshooting rational equilibrium levels" (Turner, p. 40). Suggestions made by the report included raising the amount of capital in the global banking system; requiring capital against book trading activities; enforcing the role of regulators to avoid and check unnecessary procyclicality; introducing a maximum gross leverage ratio; intense supervision of bank liquidity positions and use of a core funding ratio to be reflected on balance sheets. Regulation should be based on economic substance as opposed to legal form and unregulated financial institutions should fall under the authorities of regulates. Regulation standards under global agreements should apply to offshore financial centers. Retail depositors should be generously covered by deposit insurance. Credit rating agencies were addressed to avoid conflicts of inter est under dictates of good governance and structured finance ratings should stand review within the Basell II framework. Credit Default Swaps should fall under "clearing and central counterparty systems". Macro-prudential analysis should be used by the Bank of England and the FSA and
Monday, January 27, 2020
History Of Home Video Game Consoles
History Of Home Video Game Consoles Entertainment and technology have worked hand-in-hand on the path of progress since the beginning. Computer gaming has had an ever changing face ever since it was first introduced. We take a look at the predecessor of the heavily upgraded video consoles in the market today. A Video Game console is a device generally used for playing video games for non-commercial purposes. The video game console can be either an interactive computer or an electronic device. It produces a video display signal that is displayed using a display device (a television, monitor, etc.) to display a video game. The term video game console and is used to differentiate a machine designed for consumers to buy and use solely for playing video games from a personal computer, which has many other functions, or arcade machines, which are designed for video game businesses. The video game console requires a monitor, be it a television screen or a computer monitor, to display the images. The video game console is termed such to differentiate between arcade game machines, which are used for commercial purposes and personal computers, which offer many more features to the end-user. The first video game console was the brainchild of Ralph Baer of Sanders Associates. It was termed the Magnavox Odyssey and was released in 1972. Later, Atari came up with the extremely popular PONG games, which brought a flurry of Pong and Pong related games into the market. Apart from PONG, the other players in the market were Coleco Telstar and APF TV Fun. These consoles are known to be the first generation of video game consoles. The term videogame console was first used by Fairchild Systems for their Video Entertainment Systems (VES) in 1976. This was the first console to contain a programmable microprocessor. Soon, other manufacturers like RCA and Atari came up with microprocessor based video game consoles. These consoles are known as the second generation of videogame consoles. The Video Game console market faced its second and biggest crash in 1983. While the first crash in 1977 was mainly due to obsolete gaming consoles being sold at a loss-making price, the crash of 1983 had entirely different reasons behind it. In 1977, manufacturers of older, obsolete consoles sold their systems at a loss to clear stock, creating a glut in the market and causing Fairchild and RCA to abandon their game consoles. It was not until Atari released a conversion of the arcade hit Space Invaders in 1980 that the home console industry was completely revived. Many consumers bought an Atari just for Space Invaders. Its unprecedented success started the trend of console manufacturers trying to get exclusive rights to arcade titles, and the trend of advertisements for game consoles claiming to bring arcade experience home. Other companies released video game consoles of their own, throughout the early 1980s. Many of them were technically superior to Atari 2600. However Atari dominated the console market in the early 1980s. By 1983, the video game console market was in full bloom, and a number of companies had invested money and released either their own console games or consoles. Many of these were low on quality, high on advertising products which tried to bank on the popularity wave of video game consoles. One such game which gained massive unpopularity, and is often blamed (wrongly) for the video game crash of 1983 is E.T. The game was made with only six weeks of development time and tried to bank on two of the biggest booms at that time, E.T the movie and the video game console boom. It was full of programming bugs, improper and illogical programming and features and concepts which made the game unplayable. It has been dubbed as the worst video game of all time by many. This was critical in putting to an end the second generation of video game consoles. In 1983, Nintendo came up with the Famicom (Family Computer) or NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) series of games, which brought about a change in the video game console market. The NES series featured full colour, high resolution and longer games with detailed graphics. The game was bundled with a plastic Robot and a light gun. Like Space Invaders for the 2600, Nintendo found its breakout hit game in Super Mario Bros. Nintendos success revived the video game industry and new consoles were soon introduced in the following years to compete with the NES. The NESs massive success with Super Mario Bros, which heralded the return of video game consoles. This wrapped up the success of the third generation of video game consoles. Nintendo ran a tight ship as regards its NES system. It introduced a lockout system, which forced game manufacturers to go through Nintendo only for their games. Also, it allowed third party game manufacturers to make only five games per year for the NES. The fourth generation of video game consoles saw the release of Segas Master System and Segas Sega Mega Drive. The Sega Mega Drive was released on October 29, 1989, two years before the release of Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Sega extended the Mega Drive with the Mega CD/Sega CD, to provide increased storage space for multi-media based games that were then in vogue among the development community. Later Sega released the 32X, which added some of the polygon processing functionality common in the fifth-generation machines. However the peripheral was a commercial failure due to the lack of software support, with developers more keen to concentrate on more powerful machines, with a wider user base, such as Saturn that followed shortly after. The fifth generation video game consoles were feature-rich and had many other capabilities as compared to their previous counterparts. Chief among these was the Sony PlayStation and the Nintendo 64. The other players in the market were 3DO and Atari. Atari Jaguar and the 3DO, both of these systems were much more powerful than SNES or Mega Drive. They were better at rendering polygons, could display more onscreen colours and the 3DO contained discs that contained far more information than cartridges and were cheaper to produce. Neither of these consoles were serious threat to Sega or Nintendo, though. It was not until Segas Saturn, Sonys Play station and the Nintendo 64 were released that fifth generation consoles started to become popular. The Saturn and PlayStation used CDs to store games, while the Nintendo 64 used cartridges. All three cost far less than the 3DO, and were easier to program than the Jaguar. The Saturn also had 2D sprite handling power on par with the Neo-Geo. The sixth generation of video game consoles saw updates and new releases. This generation saw a move towards Pc-like architectures in gaming consoles, as well as a shift towards using DVDs for game media. This brought games that were visually more appealing. Furthermore, this generation also saw experimentation with online console gaming and implementing both flash and hard drive storage for game storage. Sonys released the next version of the PlayStation, the PlayStation 2, while Nintendo and Microsoft fought competition with the GameCube and the Xbox respectively. Sega came up with the Dreamcast, but has since then stopped production. The Xbox heralded a new age in video game consoles, by being the first console to have a hard disk drive. It had many similarities to a low end computer. The features introduced in the seventh generation include the support of the new disc formats: Blu-Ray Disc, utilized by the PlayStation-3, and HD DVD supported by the Xbox 360. Another new technology is the use of motion as input, and IR tracking (as implemented in Wii). Microsoft kicked off the seventh generation with the release of the Xbox 306 in 2005. It featured processing power never before seen until Sony stroked back with its PlayStation 3 one year later. The software used on these dedicated computer systems has evolved amazingly from the simple rectangular blips used in Pong. Games today feature richly textured, full-colour graphics, awesome sound and complex interaction between player and system. The increased storage capacity of the cartridges and discs allows game developers to include incredibly detailed graphics and CD-quality soundtracks. Several of the video game systems have built-in special effects that add features like unique lighting or texture mapping in real-time. Each new generation of console hardware made use of the rapid development of processing technology. Newer machines could output a greater range of colours, more sprites, and introduced graphical technologies such as scaling and vector graphics.}
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Investigating the Kinetics of the reaction between Iodide ions and Pero
PLANNING Investigating the Kinetics of the reaction between Iodide ions and Peroxodisulphate (VI) ions By the use of an Iodine clock reaction I hope to obtain the length of time taken for Iodine ions (in potassium iodide) to react fully with Peroxodisulphate ions (in potassium Peroxodisulphate). I will do three sets of experiments changing first the concentration of iodide ions, then the concentration of Peroxodisulphate ions and finally the temperature of the solution in which the reaction is taking place. From these results, I hope to draw conclusions as to the effects of these changes to the environment of the reaction on the rate and also determine the order of the reaction and the activation enthalpy. Background information The rate of a reaction is determined by a number of factors. These include: pressure, temperature, concentration of reactants, surface area of reactants, presence of a catalyst and radiation. The effect of these factors can be explained using collision theory. Reactions occur when the reactant particles collide, provided the colliding particles have enough energy for the reaction to take place. As the molecules approach their electron clouds repel. This requires energy – the minimum amount of which is called the ‘activation enthalpy’ - and comes from translational, vibrational, and rotational energy of each molecule. If there is enough energy available, this repulsion is overcome and the molecules get close enough for attractions between the molecules to cause a rearrangement of bonds and therefore an ‘effective’ reaction has taken place. The more collisions of particles with kinetic energy over the activation enthalpy that occur, the faster the overall reaction. During this investigation I am focusing on the effect of temperature and concentration while aiming to maintain other rate determining factors at a constant level in order to ensu re reliable results. Effect of concentration Taking the collision theory into account the effect of concentration is simple in that the more particles of the reactants there are in the same area of space the more likely the collisions and therefore the faster the overall reaction. The following equation has been determined through experimentation showing that the rate of a reaction depends on concentration of reactants A: Rate [A]n Where n is a constant called the order of the reaction. T... ... record the temperatures of every experiment and take into consideration how this may affect the results. Also, it is important to record the start and end tempertaure of the solution during the temperature-focused experiments because higher temperature lose their heat more quickly and if the temperature drops during the time of the reactions this information has to be involved in finding the average temperature. Predications I predict that the higher the concentration of the reactants the higher the rate of the reaction. I predict that the higher the temperature of the reactants the higher the rate of the reaction. I predict that the order of the reaction with respect to I- ions will be 1 and the order of the reaction with repect to S2O82-ions will also be 1 giving a overall order for the reaction of 2. This is information obtained from data books and backed up by information from the internet. (see references) I predict that the activation energy of the reaction will be 52.9 kJ mol-1. This information is taken from the ILPAC Resource Pack for Advanced Practical Chemistry and is for the uncatalysed reaction between iodide ions and peroxodisulphate ions.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Family Relationships Essay
Whatever form they take, family relationships are a central feature of most of our lives (Wyse and Hawtin, 2000). The family is the basic social unity of a society. A family is made up of members and there exists a relationship between members of a family. A family plays a very important role in the life of an individual. It is for this reason that it becomes very important for people to enhance good relations with members of their family. Depending on the type of family, people in a family are related either by blood or marriage. One thing that cannot be disputed however is the fact that although family members are related family relations sometimes can be challenging as members of a family attempt to get along with each other. The following paper takes an in-depth look at the changing nature of family life and the roles and responsibilities of people within the family. As already mentioned although a family is made up of people who are close sometimes handling relationships in a family can be challenging. The saying that ‘it takes two to tango’ is very relevant in a family relationship. A single individual does not have control of family relationship solely. Every member of the family plays a role either in building or destroying family relationships. Many a times family members experience internal wrangles majorly caused by different interests by the members. During such times the best way forward is to attempt to understand one another and change is key to ensure that such wrangles are solved. Sometimes family members try to change others so that they can get along. But this is not always easy and when you realize that you cannot change the personality of another member of the family then it is always best to understand them. Yet another alterative would be to change and adjust yourself in a manner that will help you get along with other members of the family (Pryor, 2001). Family life is dynamic. This means that it keeps changing with time and the kind of change that takes place are dependent on the circumstances that surround an individual family member as years pass by. For instance the relationship that a person has with his or her parents while growing up is not the same as one grows older. During the adolescent stage there are many changes that take place both physical and emotional. It is during the adolescent age for instance that a person begins to appreciate more those outside the family especially those of the opposite sex. This is one factor that contributes to the dynaminism in nature of family relationships. Eventually a person finds that they are spending more time away from home than they used to. Relationships with one’s parents become more difficult as one keeps growing and becomes more independent than before. It is during this time that when a young person is asked something which they consider personal they get irritated and they feel that the parents are intruding on their privacy. The other factor that changes family relationships as children grow is that at some stage during growth especially during adolescence children discover some things that they didn’t know previously especially matters related to sexuality and they are not as comfortable to discuss with their parents as they would with their peers. So they prefer spending much of their time with their peers discussing the â€Å"new discoveries†and thus the close relationship with their parents is gradually and slowly eroded (Wyse and Hawtin, 2000). The expectations that parents have on their children as they grow up also contribute to dynamism in family relationships. Although parents will always have good will on their children they may unknowingly put undue pressure by demanding that they must behave in a certain manner or that they must conduct things in a particular manner which is opposed to what they (children) would want. A young person may more often than not tend to disagree with some of the beliefs, practices or the general way of doing things by their parents. This mainly happens due to generational gap. This usually leads to conflicts and changes the nature of the family life. For parents and children to have good and successful relationship respect is of utmost importance. As much as the children will want their parents to respect their freedom and independence they must also respect their parents’ views and opinions (Pryor, 2001). Having looked at some of the factors that bring about change or dynamism within the family life let us now shift or focus on the roes and responsibilities of family members. Although these two terns are used interchangeably in the practical sense they are actually different. The roles of a person basically emanates from the dictation of the society by virtues of the person being a man, a woman or a child (Morrow, 1998). For instance in many societies, the roles of a man include providing to the family and offering protection to his family while his responsibilities many include among others helping out on the difficult tasks around the homestead like fixing the fence or the bulb. For a family to exist in harmony and to strengthen their relationship the roles and responsibilities of each ember of the family must be well spelt out. This helps to ensure that no member of the family feels oppresses with work around the house while the rest are left with nothing to do. However one important thing to note is that the responsibilities should be not fixed in form of timetable. It is enough to notify family members their roles and responsibilities. This gives room for flexibility so that family members can also get to experience what other family members do. In any given family parents are always in charge and it is of paramount important that children understand this. However the best approach in parenting as recommended by psychiatrists is the one where parents do not act as dictators (Morrow, 1998). Decision making ought to be shared among all members of the family. Whenever all members re involved in decision making they feel that they are part of the family and it becomes easier to implement that decision. In conclusion, a family though made of people who are close can be difficult to manage. It is therefore of paramount importance that family members respect each other’s views and opinions in order to relate harmoniously. Bibliography: Morrow, V (1998). Understanding Families. Children’s Perspectives. London: NCB Wyse, D. & Hawtin, A. (2000). Children a Multi-Professional Perspective, London: Arnold. Pryor, J. & Rodgers, B. (2001). Children in Changing Families. Oxford: Blackwell.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Should Assistive Technology Be Disabled Students With...
The reauthorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 1997 and IDEA 2004 provided disabled students with options for assistive technology in the classroom as well as assistive technology services. It is through these mandates that Individual Educational Plans (IEP) began to include assistive technology options. The IDEA 2004 â€Å"law mandates that assistive technology devices and services be provided to students with disabilities if the technology is essential for accessing education-related resources. (Dell, Newton, Petroff, 2012, p. 7) The end result is, to make it possible for the student to access the curriculum that he/she otherwise could not without the assistive technology. Assistive technology is any device, aids or services, that substitute or compensate for an impaired physical or mental ability. (Grand Canyon University. n.d. Lecture 1) There are a number of assistive technology devices available to use with students. The members of the IEP team will collaborate to determine the devices, if any, that fit the needs of the special education student. There is a range of options available, from low-tech devices using no electronics and usually inexpensive, to high-tech devices, that are often computer based and can be expensive. (Dell, Newton, Petroff, 2012) Some examples of a low-tech assistive devices are, pencil grips and extra wide pens or pencils. These devices will aid the student with fine motor problems and help them to write and draw inShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Special Education On Special Needs Students1505 Words  | 7 Pagespolicies related to special needs students are set in place to assist in providing an appropriate education in the most least restrictive environment possible for special needs students. A Law is defined as a rule that is created by the government of a town, state or country. A law is created in hopes of settling a cause. 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