Tuesday, October 29, 2019
HRM analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
HRM analysis - Research Paper Example The hotel consists of more than 5000 rooms and suits for guests in four thirty storey towers, world class gourmet restaurants, 27000 square feet pool complex, Grand Spa, casino, clubs, etc. Different parts of the hotel have different themes, food courts, restraints, entertainment lounge etc. (Jay & Dwi, 2000). The hotel is set up on an area of 33 acres. MGM Grand Las Vegas most commonly offers accommodation services but in addition to this the hotel also serves as a venue for different shows, events and concerts. Moreover, MGM grand hotel incorporates pool parties, night clubs, shopping outlets, wedding chapel etc. History In the 60’s a group of properties started as MGM Resorts International under Kirk Kerkorian’s leadership. After the grand opening of paradise hotel in early 1970s the second hotel was built in Las Vegas named MGM Grand Las Vegas. Both the hotels were the world’s largest hotels at that time. MGM Grand Las Vegas was opened in 1993 for the first t ime. The hotel turned to be the largest hotel in the United States with over 5000 guest rooms. At the opening of MGM Grand the biggest intention was the creation of first hotel in Las Vegas that includes the Theme Park MGM Grand adventures behind casino. The objective behind this hotel was providing a friendly and family oriented atmosphere where all the family members could enjoy different activities except the casinos. Strategy A strategy that a company sets and adopts to achieve its desired business objectives and goals are known as business strategy. The strategies adopted by MGM Grand Las Vegas hotel are discussed ahead. Competitive strategies are associated with the business strategies in a way to develop a competitive edge for an organization. MGM Grand Las Vegas hotel has potential business strategies to predict the expectations of the customer most accurately and make them satisfied with creativity. Product differentiation is one of the most unique competitive strategies th at MGM Grand uses. One of the examples of this strategy is the introduction of M Life Payers Club in 2010. This club is basically a customer reward club where customers can earn points by shopping and using other services of the hotel and then use those points for other experiences like concerts, food etc. To compliment the services activities the hotel uses marketing and sales strategies (Alan, 2007). The unique communication platforms used by the hotel and the entertainment attractions has helped the hotel win a competitive advantage. The hotel uses strategies to stay ahead of competition. The various strategies adopted by MGM Grand have helped the hotel grow and expand to different countries. In 2006 MGM Grand Las Vegas focused on the extension of its brand into hotels subsidiary named MGM Hospitality. MGM hospitality is held responsible for the outsourcing of gaming and non-gaming both type of investments and the management opportunities. The opening of Grand Macau in China is a nother example of this. These investments helped in accumulating almost one billion dollars of capital in the same year. Market position The ability to establish a unique position in the mind of the customer by delivering benefits and unique features is known as the determinant for the organizations position in the market (Woods, Robert,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Accounting Standards Accounting Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Accounting Standards Accounting Essay Introduction: In accounting, for every basis, identification and measurement of the elements of financial statement and the impact of the circumstances and financial status and work results should be defined in a form of standards. These standards are like the rules for accounting in any country. That is why they denote what should be mentioned in any companys accounts. Moreover, they guarantee that certain cases, approaches and requirements are taken into account normally. In addition, they help people who are interested in investment to make decisions by ensuring that they get appropriate information needed. This is the idea behind accounting standards. When we talk about accounting standards, the main thing that comes under them is the accounting report. According to the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), accounting reports are documents filled out by brokers that give details and facts about a new clients financial circumstances and investment objectives. The report may be updated if there are material changes in a client financial position. Based on the report, a client may or may not be deemed eligible for certain types of risky investments such as commodity trading or highly leveraged limited partnership deals. The second main thing is the framework. According to the Financial Accounting Standards Board in the US, the conceptual framework is the system of fundamentals and objectives that make consistent standards by knowing that the accounting report does not mean the rules but the guidelines. Actually, rules are set in the accounting standards which we can formulate from the framework. But when we face an interpretation conflict, it takes some requirements over the framework. International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), http://www.iasb.org Accounting Standards, Advantages and Disadvantages: Having said that accounting standards are the provider of the rules, conditions and consistency, they may hold some pros and cons while they are being implemented and taken in any company. Efficiency and effectiveness can be gotten through consistency if different organizations apply them than other organizations in their financial transactions. If we ask ourselves about the main reason behind bookkeeping practices, the answer would be that companies with different forms and a wide range of data to be maintained are better than those that have the same data categorized less in the same shape and will face a very big problem in trying to do business together. Hence, the justice and court have standard operations and businesses in fact, should denote all of its operations and transactions. According to Elliot (2009) companies should organize their operations with standard clients, competitors, customers, and suppliers. If we want to issue clear standards of financial accounting, we hav e to take into account the direction of the economy to establish joint stock companies with large capital. Its necessary to expand the vision of accounting standards according to communication and delivery of accounting information to lead to the need for that information to let them assess the performance of businesses to make good decisions with regards to their investment. Accounting standards are a very significant practice as it leads to effective corporate governance programs. They also provide a useful mechanism to rebuild the corporate values. Schipper, K. (2003). Principles-Based Accounting Standards. Accounting Horizons, 17(1), 61-72 The Need for Accounting Standards: The need for accounting standards has been a very important aspect to ensure that comparability, accuracy and transparency are needed for the integration of European financial markets, which is according to the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). We need accounting standards to develop the measures of performance in any form of life, whether it is in financial reporting, returns and funds, or even playing a game. Actually, high quality financial reporting is connected with efficient capital markets so as to lead for investment to be well done. If we want the economy to function efficiently, we should have accounting standards because they help us reach our destiny. With accounting standards and good financial reporting, customers can get a clear image about business activities and financial conditions. To make it very clear, I will just mention a small example created by me that will really denote and clarify the real need for accounting standards in any business ent erprise. With known and organized accounting standards, when the amount of the net income of Fathiya Company and Abeer Company is 2 million Omani Rials, we are sure that we can make a meaningful comparison. According to Schipper (2003) says that without standards, we cannot get the core aspect of assurance, for instance, whether Fathiya Company is considering the orders of the future as current sales or releasing a big amount of its expenses. Financial Accounting Standards Board, http://www.fasb.org Business without Accounting Standards: It was clear that accounting standards are very important to any business. Businesses can do whatever they want to reach certain goals without the need for accounting standards, but not as well as businesses that take accounting standards into account. Without accounting standards, businesses cannot guarantee that they will consider their future list of objectives or will leave some expenses. Furthermore, businesses cannot organize operations with their customers, suppliers and even competitors without applying at least some accounting standards. Moreover, if businesses do not apply accounting standards, they definitely will not be able to structure their business well and will lead to the corporate values to be missed. Elliot, B. and Elliot, E. Financial Accounting and Reporting 13th edition, 2009 Chapters 5 and7 Accounting Standards in Oman and abroad: Oman has prepared the financial statements in accordance with International Accounting standards (IAS), the interpretations which are prepared by the Standing Interpretation Committee of the IASC and the requirements of the Commercial Companies Law of the Sultanate of Oman and the requirements set out in the rules for disclosure issued by the Capital Market Authority of the Sultanate of Oman, the disclosure is inadequate and is a negative phenomenon to a country which wishes to be strengthened further a good economy. Accounting standards in Oman may be somehow related to the accounting standards outside Oman, because, in some extent, they all come under the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC), http://www.iasb.org Recommendations and Conclusion: As an accounting student, I recommend all companies in Oman to have a set of accounting standards and reports in order to build a reliable business that can rank them in the top of the list of good companies. To conclude, we should think of accounting standards as the key of success for different business enterprises. In addition, if companies apply accounting standards well, other companies will look up to them to do business strategies as well as they do.
Friday, October 25, 2019
2001 A Space Odyssey Analysis Essay -- essays research papers
2001: A Space Odyssey      The following paper will analyze the movie, â€Å"2001: A Space Odyssey†by Stanley Kubrick†and â€Å"The Centinel†by Arthur C. Clarke. Although there are many themes present between the story and the film, the following are the most dominant. I will be discussing Scientific themes, Religious and Moral Themes, and Clarke’s development of the short story into a full-length film.      The first issue, I will be discussing the scientific themes of the movie. The movie, â€Å"2001: A Space Odyssey,†has a one of a kind vision of science and technology. The movie â€Å"2001†brings a great new style of reality and realism to space technology and travel. Since there was no great technology in 1968 and space travel was not as well defined as today, Kubrick stayed away from fantasy and focused more on reality of space travel, a scientific theme throughout the movie. â€Å"2001†definitely shows the viewer the outer space in a very effective way. The outer space is large and empty, which Kubrick displays very well. His computer, HAL 9000, is one of the most popular computers in my opinion. HAL 9000 is a big machine, and speaks like we expect machines to speak, and is apparently designed to have some emotion. HAL 9000 was built to be invincible with very little flaws and that characteristic is typical to be put in movies, illustrat ing the point that often movies have too much faith and trust in machines. HAL 9000 was designed to f...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Biography of Aldous Huxley Essay
Aldous Leonard Huxley was born on July 26, 1894 in Surrey, England, as the third son of Dr. Leonard Huxley and Julia Arnold. Huxley was born into a long line of scientists and intellectuals. His grandfather Thomas Henry Huxley had the nickname â€Å"Darwin’s Bulldog†for his fierce defense of evolutionary science and for his passion for teaching Victorian scientific advancements to Britain’s working classes. Aldous Huxley was also related to the poet Matthew Arnold on his mother’s side of the family. These two disciplines, literature and science, converged at the end of the Victorian era and characterize Huxley’s own career and ambitions as an author, journalist, and humanist. Educated at Eton, Aldous Huxley was forced to leave the school at the age of seventeen due to an affliction of the eyes. He was partially blind for two or three years and therefore was unable to complete the rigorous scientific training he had undertaken. Though problems with his eyes would remain with him for the rest of his life, Huxley was able to attend Oxford where he received a degree in English literature. Huxley’s career began in journalism and included music and artistic criticism as well as book reviews. He also began writing poems, essays, and historical pieces. Huxley’s first introduction to British intellectual society occurred while working as a farm laborer at Garsington Manor, the site of the â€Å"Bloomsbury Society,†a group of public intellectuals that included Bertrand Russell. There he would marry Maria Nys and they would have one child, Matthew Huxley. He also wrote his first book, a volume of poetry called The Burning Wheel. While working as an editor for â€Å"House and Garden†during the1920s, Huxley wrote many novels including Brave New World. Huxley spent several years in Italy where he formed a friendship with D.H. Lawrence. They would remain close friends and Huxley would later edit Lawrence’s collected letters after his death. In 1937, Huxley moved back to the United States to live in Hollywood, California, where he helped write scripts for several Hollywood movies of the time, although he never had a lasting career in movies. After World War II, he famously became involved with the early psychedelic drug movement. Huxley was an early proponent of the use of LSD, mescaline, and peyote for their mind-altering effects. His 1954 book The Doors of Perception argued that through the use of psychedelic drugs, people would be able to â€Å"cleanse†the doors of perception in order to embrace the infinite reality of the world. A controversial figure for most of his life, Huxley died from cancer on November 22, 1963, only hours after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination in Dallas, Texas. By the time of his death, he was embraced in some circles as an intellectual and writer of the highest class, especially for his creation of the dystopian fantasy in his novel Brave New World and his engagement of the theme of commercialization in modern society. Others, however, saw him as a pseudo-scientist for his work in mystical traditions and his insistence on experiencing alternate realities through meditation, Eastern religions, and drug use. For his accomplishments, Huxley received the Award of Merit for the Novel from the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1959.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Evaluative Analysis of “Barn Burningâ€Â
William Faulkner’s short story entitled â€Å"Barn Burning†is a depressive manifestation of discrimination and oppression in the society. Many people especially slaves experienced in this kind of situation. Even if they were not convicted of any malicious act, they will become the prime suspect or the criminal of any unlawful actions towards the ruling class. Despite of the Abner’s character as a father and a worker contacted to the character of the main protagonist, Abner’s son. This story illustrated the circumstances and conflicts within the family in the eyes of a child.Sartoris loves his father so much but he could not tell his father how much because his father refuses to interact with his family due to successive problems in his work. In this case, the actions of the father always mould the situation of the family for he was the source of strength, weaknesses, failure, and success of everyone that gives unpredicted experience in each of the family members. â€Å"Barn Burning†is a story of a family who was being deprived in their society. Because the place was just a small county, every actions of each family or even a person were seen by everyone especially those in the ruling class.Abner Snopes, the father was suspected of burning the barn of his neighboring farmer. Despite of the fact that he was only suspected to do the unlawful action, he was already connoted as a â€Å"barn burner†. In a small place, they conduct a trial wherein they must know the reasons and evidences of burning the barn. They keep on asking Abner but he did not speak for his own yet, he almost remains silent and unpredictable. The Court of Peace dismissed the case and asked Abner to leave the county, which was the only way to â€Å"solve†the problem.Abner and his family went out the county. As they went away from their previous location, a new landlord and aristocrat went by their lives. Major de Spain owns the house they occupie d. He wants Abner to pay him a hundred dollars for the rent but Abner could not able to pay him that amount that is why de Spain told him to give him twenty bushels of corm from his farm to be the payment of their stay. Abner could not say anything because he knows that he has nothing to offer due to their lack of profit and their previous problem in their county.He did not accept what de Spain wanted but he did not also refused because he does not have any power over him. Satoris, Abner’s son did not want to pay de Spain because these were the only things they have. If they give it to de Spain, they will suffer more. Abner could not find a way, until one night while eating, de Spain’s rug partially burned. Abner did not know what to do; his temper went up again and releases his anger to his family especially to Satoris for it was always there to watch his actions. One day, they went to the Justice again.The Justice knew that de Spain’s rug burned because Satori s have told him, for the reason that Satoris think that it was the only way to defend his father from probable punishment due to accidental burning of the rug, but it does not happen. The Justice asked Abner to pay more than the bushels of corn because of the burned rug. Abner did not say anything that made the case dismissed again. Abner’s mind and heart was full of problems and heartache, which was seen by Satoris even if he refused to confess. Until one night, Abner decided to burn de Spain’s barn as his revenge to him for his inhumane actions towards him and his family.Abner runs toward the trees in the dark and went to de Spain’s barn. Satoris followed him but he could not find his father because of the darkness. He saw de Spain and warned him that his father would burn his barn. After de Spain heard Satoris’s confession, he went to the trees and find Abner with his horse. While Satoris was finding his father, he heard two shots of gun that made him think if this would be the assassination of his father or his brother’s gun whom to be his father’s accomplice. Due to tiredness, he did not saw his father. He went home when the sun rises and thinks of his father with fear, sadness, and revenge in his heart.Personally, I can say that the main protagonist in this story is Satoris because the story went on from his perspective as a child even if the author uses third person point of view. The narrator did not speak for the father but for the son who seemed to grow with unusual scenario and an irony of innocence and maturity within his heart and mind. After what had happened to his father, Satoris wants to comfort and give his father the strength but Abner refuses to communicate with his family especially with Satoris for he knew that he was just a child not knowing anything in the real world, which was the opposite of his recognition to his son.This scenario was seen throughout the story from the beginning up to the end that Abner did not give Satoris a chance to show his capability to help his father to minimize his circumstances. The words â€Å"get back into the wagon†were always the dialogue of Abner when he did not want Satoris to tell the truth. Aside from this, he only speaks to Satoris when he is mad as if Satoris and his family member were his punching bags. Punching bags means his way of releasing his anger by way of shouting and yelling at them. â€Å"You were fixing to tell them.You would have told him,†He didn't answer. His father struck him with the flat of his hand on the side of the head, hard but without heat, exactly as he had struck the two mules at the store, exactly as he would strike either of them with any stick in order to kill a horse fly, his voice still without heat or anger: â€Å"You're getting to be a man. You got to learn. You got to learn to stick to your own blood or you ain't going to have any blood to stick to you. Do you think either of them, an y man there this morning, would?Don't you know all they wanted was a chance to get at me because they knew I had them beat? Eh? †Later, twenty years later, he was to tell himself, †If I had said they wanted only truth, justice, he would have hit me again. †But now he said nothing. He was not crying. He just stood there. â€Å"Answer me,†his father said. (Faulkner, n. d. ) This situation is one of the most significant interactions between the father and the son where we could see that a father will always be the authority while the son will always beneath the authority’s actions and words.However, it also shows that Satoris wants to tell his father to listen to him – to what he wants to say and what he wants to make him feel despite of everything but he could not because he knew that his father was already numb by all their tragic situations. Another issue emerged in the story is the formulation of family versus morality. The contradiction b etween family and morality evolved from the beginning and developed within the middle up to the end of the story. It was a circumstance for Abner because he was the connected between the two – he was the bridge to the interrelating and opposing factors within him.Abner wanted to gain his and his family’s morality after what happened to them in the county that is why he chose to went away from their place, but the life and survival of his family was in the county, it was very hard for him to decide as the father and the ruling power. The story also demonstrated how Abner became powerful within his family where his words would be the rule while within his landlord and the justice, he was nothing but a farmer – a low class farmer without eyes to see, ears to hear, and mouth to speak.If Abner's violation of his own code is the impetus for Sarty's breaking away, why didn't the whole Snopes family run defiantly to the de Spain's home? It is because this breach of stan dards comes at an impressionable stage of Sarty's life, while he still bares â€Å"the terrible handicap of being young, the light weight of his few years . . . not heavy enough to keep him footed solid in [the world], to resist it and try to change the course of its events†(220). This â€Å"handicap†allows him, unlike the others, to see the wrong committed by his father and to strive to prevent its disastrous consequences.Many issues are needed to discuss in the story that emerged and developed throughout the flow of the narrative such as political, social, cultural, and personal aspects of the characters. In terms of political aspect, the situation within Abner and the Justice happens in reality. The Justice depends on the ruling class or the elite rather than the people who need him like Abner and his family. His dismissal of the case signifies that Abner was just a small person who cannot pay the Justice’s job as the same as what his landlord used to do to win the battle in the court.This political issue shows that there is no hope for people like Abner who needs the help of law but they close their doors because Abner cannot pay them huge amounts like those others. Social problem in this story was seen through the problem of morality. Discrimination was taken place in this story in different angles such as the discrimination towards the capabilities of a child, the discrimination towards low class people, and the discrimination towards women.Discrimination towards children can be seen within the clash between the father and the son wherein, the son cannot show what he got because he was just a kid, which was shown by his father. Discrimination towards low class people can be seen within the clash between Abner and his landlord, wherein his landlord keep on telling him that he could not be able to rise from poverty because he was a â€Å"Barn Burner†and he will always be the barn burner as long as he lives. On the other hand, the discrimination towards women can be seen through the characters of Abner’s wife, sister, and his daughters.All of them have no voice in their family. They just keep on asking themselves what is happening without any confrontation between them and Abner. The character of Abner’s wife was weak as what the narrator illustrated wherein she only used to cry and to shout when Abner is doing something unusual, but there is no resolution within her – just an explosion of her feelings through tears and yell. Cultural issues also emerged within the family. Their family culture was seen when they went to their new house. All of them have their own tasks, from the father, the mother, the aunt, up to the children.However, the emergence of the conflict did not come from their tasks but from their own beliefs as individuals. Abner’s belief as a father did not match from the belief of the mother and his son Satoris but the same with his other son whom to be his acco mplice in the end. Despite of the fact that they are a family, their culture did not match from one another, which resulted more problems and conflicts between them. Personal issues were the primary problem in the story. All of the characters have their own problems, fears, and failures as individuals.Even if they get along as a family, they tend to clash because of their own perspectives and ideologies that are different from one another. Aside from these, their personal issues increased because of their environmental issues or their issues within their environment such as the people around them. Through this, personal issues became the real point of attack of each character to establish their characterization. When it comes to the characters in the story, protagonists correlate one another in order to build their own depiction. However, the father made its character become part of each of the characters in the story.His actions and words manifest significantly towards the realizat ions and ideologies of other characters especially his family. His words became the rule; his scream was the echo of the house, while his face became the image of law in their house. â€Å"If you ain't going to tote, go on and set up the wash pot,†the first said. â€Å"You, Sarty! †the second shouted. â€Å"Set up the wash pot! †His father appeared at the door, framed against that shabbiness, as he had been against that other bland perfection, impervious to either, the mother's anxious face at his shoulder.â€Å"Go on,†the father said. â€Å"Pick it up. †The two sisters stooped, broad, lethargic; stooping, they presented an incredible expanse of pale cloth and a flutter of tawdry ribbons. â€Å"If I thought enough of a rug to have to git hit all the way from France I wouldn't keep hit where folks coming in would have to tromp on hit,†the first said. They raised the rug, â€Å"Abner, †the mother said. â€Å"Let me do it. †â€Å"You go back and git dinner,†his father said. â€Å"I'll tend to this. †(Faulkner, n. d. ) As a whole, all the characters in the story were mould based on the character of Abner.His weaknesses, strengths, failure, and success became their foundation to have their own perspective in life. Despite of the fact that they have encountered cultural, political, personal, and social issues, all of them are connected to the execution of Abner in different situations even the Justice and the landlord expose its character to make the life of Abner more miserable. Justification towards this issue can be seen throughout the story where all their eyes were set to Abner’s actions and expressions.Therefore, I can say that fatherhood is a sensitive responsibility towards family and morality. A man’s family always depends on his strategies and capabilities as the provider of his home. However, his capability to discriminate the strengths of his family members is a lso an emerging conflict for the reason that because of his power, he tends to dominate their own principles without recognizing that it may be the solution to their problem, which resulted failure, inconvenience, and miscommunication within the family. Works CitedFaulkner, William. â€Å"Barn Burning. †Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing. Ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. Fort Worth: Harcourt, 1997. 216-30. Faulkner, William â€Å"Barn Burning by William Faulkner†(n. d. ) Retrieved on October 30, 2007 from http://www. nku. edu/~peers/barnburning. htm Meyers, Michael. The Bedford Introduction to Literature. Boston, MA: Bedford Books of St. Martin’S Press, 1999. ________. â€Å"Barn Burning:†Family vs. Morality. (n. d. ) Retrieved on October 30, 2007 from http://members. aol. com/danieledg1/barn. html
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